chapter 1

4 1 1

Tris pvo
I live in Roseland, Chicago. My mom died when I was 5 in a car crash. My dad well....he is a bit abusive. I am a Junior right now. My dad does nothing he is rich in his work but doesn't do anything around the house. It is all me.

I woke up from my fathers heavy footsteps. I swear he sound like a rampage of elephants. I heard his door open then close. I can't do this anymore! Every step and breath he takes while I am around makes me scared for my life.

Hurring I jumped out of bed. I changed into some normal clothes. A tank top, jacket, and some black leggings. I packed my clothes and everything I could. I slipped on some socks and some shoes. A suitcase sat in the middle of my room and an empty gym bag. I shoved my phone and charger I my pocket. I then, folded my blanket and put it in the bag. I also grabbed one of my pillows. My mom kept a stash of cash under my floorboard.  Flipping it i saw money. There is two wads. My mom told me in case of emergency that there is 2,000 per stack. I guess you are wondering how did she get that money. It was from her taxes and second job. My dad never knew about the money. I grabbed both of them and put the floor back. I grabbed my stuff and snuck out. I saw a bus and jumped on it. At night the bus is free but during the day it is 2.00.

I started to think. Where am I gonna go. Burnside....sure. Speaking of that we are just entering it. The bus stopped and I got off. I can't afford a house or apartment. Where am I gonna stay. I saw a bench and sat on it. I pulled my blanket and pillow out and fell asleep. 

Soon enough someone was shaking me. Groaning I squinted my eyes. I turn and laid on my back. A hand was on my knee. I stared at his face and looked at him waiting for him to speak. 

"Why are you here?" the man ask.

"Is that any of your businesses." I said to him.

"I am running before school. I always pass by here. No one is here now you are." he said.

"Nice to know you run before school. And plus it is Saturday. "

"I'm trying to help you here." he said rolling his eyes.

I sighed as I saw that. Another selfish guy. I never have met a good guy.

"Come with me." He said grabbing my things.

"Why...."I said nervous.

"Chill. I'm not into you ok. I'm taking you to my place. I have a basement where you can stay in."

After what he said I just shut up and followed him. He led me to the house. It wasn't that far away. We both entered and he sat my stuff down in the basement. When he came back up I was playing with my hands.

"So the kitchen is down that hallway leading outside and to the living room. There is a bathroom right here. My room is the first room upstairs to the left and the room on the right is another bathroom."

I nodded and went downstairs. The walls were black. And the floor was white. A bed was in the back. A long dresser was on the right wall. And there was a walk in closet. This room is HUGE!

Suddenly footsteps rushed down the stairs. Next thing I know the guy was literally right behind me.

"I know usually no one is down here besides my friends when we all come down here. You can go shopping if you want decorate the place." he told me.

"Okay...." I said waiting for his name.

"Four. Call me Four." he said blankly.

"Now speaking of names what is yours. I never got a catch." he continued.

"Tris."I told him.

He nodded and sat my things on the bed. Passing by me he went upstairs.

I started to unpack my things. I made my bed and put my clothes away. After putting my phone and charger up the doorbell rang. I continued to unpack.

After a while the basement door opened. Bundles of footsteps came down. I thought Four may be introducing me to some people.

"Who are you?" someone said.

That wasn't Fours voice so quickly I whipped around. I stared at them for a bit. Then Four came down.

"Dude. I didn't know you had a chick." the same guy said.

"Zeke she isn't my girlfriend." Four told him.

So his name is Zeke. Ok noted.

"I mean if she isn't your girlfriend then....oh you got yourself a little hooker don't you." Zeke said.

My eyes went big and I just turned around and continued what I was doing before.

"Zeke...." Four said in a low voice.

"What dude congratulations you got a good one. I mean look at the ass." Zeke said laughing.

I spun around and death glared him. After that I grabbed my phone and money.

"Where are you going?" Four said concerned.

"Shopping." I said blankly.

"Ok. Use my car. Keys are by the door."

I smiles and went upstairs. Soon enough I found the keys. Driving to the mall I got a smoothie from Mcdonalds. Parking at the mall I walked in and started my adventure.

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