Just a little longer

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Sixth Chapter

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Sixth Chapter.... Please enjoy.


Jimin POV

-I am trying to forget you... But to be honest, I don't want to. I don't want you to leave again...- 

I could feel him clinging onto me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck where his face was hidden. I couldn't move and... I didn't want to... It felt like a safe place, like nothing could reach me here. Why does this seems so familiar?  Where did this feeling even come from? 

Before I could stop myself, my hands were over his, with my thumb slowly stroking his hand. He hold onto me a little tighter and burried his head even more into my nape. It felt like he was trying to memorize how it felt. As if I was going to dissapear the moment he let go.

-Mr. Min... I...- It was hard for me to even say something.

-I am sorry Jimin... I should have respected your personal space.- He said sounding dissapointed. As he made a move to let go of me, my mind went into full panic. I quickly held his hands in place. 

-It's ok, Mr. Min... Just a little longer- I could feel the blush on my cheeks. It was so embarassing. 

What am I even saying? Why did I reacted like that? Do I really like him that much? Isn't it just a silly crush? Or just attraction? What are his feelings exactly? 

This is so confusing.

We stayed there for a while, just standing there. I was positive that both of our hearts were beating at impossible rates. I felt so much peace, but I knew we had to address the situations. We couldn't be going around each other. But how could I bring it up? What if... this were just the arrows talking? I can't just pretend that he wasn't spelled. I released a sigh and turn around in his arms. Now, his hands were on my lower back and mine were on his shoulders.

-Mr. Min... What are these feelings you were talking about?- I whispered while making eye contact.

-I... I like ... you... a lot.- he said looking away from me.

-That is just a side effect of what happened on Saturday. You may be attracted to me but you don't like me. So can we please put that behind us now?- I said while detaching myself from him.

He has quick on his feet. He captured me by the waist again and latched his lips on mine. This was different from Saturday. He kissed me tenderly and slowly. He held me, not in a possesive way, but as if I was going to break. I just couldn't stop myself from kissing back. My hands playing with the hair of his nape. This was so different. This had a meaning. It terrified me. It terrified me that I knew this wasn't the lust created by the arrow. This was so much deeper than that. He slowly pulled away and I couldn't help but to chase after his lips again. When we finally parted, we went back to just staring into each others eyes. His eyes were so beautiful. They were so deep. 

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