1912 Elephant rd, Maine

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1912 elephant rd, Maine.

New location to start a new life, but I don't care anymore. I've moved enough to realize that it's the worst to get attached to the town, and the people. In the end I just leave everyone and they forget about me.

My dad's on active duty in the military, so basically since I was 3 I've been moving.. a lot. I was born in California, but from there I moved, California to New Mexico, New Mexico to Minnesota, Minnesota to Florida and Now Florida to Maine. After 17 years, you just give up the hope to stay somewhere permanently.

"Come on Skylar, let's go check out the house" I turn to face my younger brother Issac. He lets out his hand and I grab his hand then we walk inside.

The new home looks and smells old. There was furniture in here when my mom bought the house but, she has a job in interior design so of course we don't keep the furniture. This may be one of the few things that stays the same with every move, the furniture.

"you both can go pick out a room" We turn to our mom who has a big smile on her face. Issac runs upstairs but I just walk. I then come to a room at the end of the hall on the right from coming up the staircase. I had a big window that allows one to see the backyard, The bathroom is the room right next to it, this is good so that I can get ready faster in the morning.

I hear footsteps behind me "Skylar come check out my room" Issac's room is on the opposite side of the house, The last door that lets you see the left back of the house's backyard. He has a normal room except for the giant skylight in his bedroom, and there is a tree house directly next to his window with a branch that lets reach to his window. "you be careful with that you hear" he nods then runs downstairs.

I stare out his window, My attention then goes to the maze in the backyard. Was someone just starring at the house from the side of the maze.I swear I see someone, I squint to make the figure more clear "Nice tree house huh" I then make a loud gasp as I turn around. "excuse me" I say a bit shaken "I remember when I was younger and my friends would come over and we would play in there for hours" there is this random boy in my house, he's got dark brown hair with green eyes.

He comes close to the window and I move away towards the door, his height seems about 5'11". "I'm sorry but I don't think it's considered polite to just walk into a random persons house, more like rude and creepy" "skylar mom said for you to come and get your stuff" I'm now faced towards Issac as he puts down his stuff, I then turn back to where the boy was, and he's not there. I face back towards Issac, "I'll help you put away everything when I bring all my stuff up"

I'm now a shaken... where did he go there was no possible way out, I was blocking the door.

It's just before dinner and I finally put up the finishing touches on my room. When ever we move my mom allows my brother and I to change out room themes. My room theme is white and gold, before this I had a sea side theme, I don't like to waste furniture and neither does my mom so she always donates the furniture to upscaleing sales for clothes and furniture.

"Issac and Skylar, Dinner's ready" I head downstairs and I see everything layed out on the table. all the silver ware, the cups filled with lemonade for everyone except me, I'm more of a raspberry-peach tea type of girl, salad in the middle of the table and bread in a basket. My mom walks out of the kitchen with two different lasagna servings for a family. Vegetarian and regular, the vegetarian is for me because well I refused to eat meat since I was 14. I'm a Lacto-Vegetarian meaning I do include dairy into my Diet.

we all gather around the table and take our seats. "this is a new beginning for us,.." my dad continues to talk his big speech he always preaches on the first night when ever we move, the same thing 'keep your head up, make friends, if you have any problems come to me..'

The doorbell rings "I'll get it, excuse me" I get up from my chair then go to the door. I peek out the hole, I see a little old lady grinning looking into the door hole. I open the door "Hello may I help you" "yes dear, I just wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighborhood"

"why thank you"

"and I need you to heed my warning"

"your what"

"be careful with this town, a lot of things aer'nt what they seem to be, this house is well.. you'll find out"

"are you trying to tell me haunted, because-"

"be careful, and warn your parents, whatever you do don't go into the maze at midnight"

I give her a confused stare " Skylar honey who is it?" I turn back to the dining room's direction "um" I turn back to the door and the old lady is gone. "you've got to be kidding me"

I sit back down around the table "who was it" I look up to my dad "oh just some old lady welcoming us to the neighborhood" "well that's nice" my mom says with a smile on her face. I'm staring at the food on my plate. This is crazy, I haven't been here for more than 24 hours and strange things are happening and these people are disappearing like ghost.

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