Topanga and Dash

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Starting a new school your junior year of high school.. You're not suppose to do that. It's like a smoker being addicted to cigarettes but only taking one puff of their cigarette and then disposing it. One does not do that.

When I started High School I honestly thought that all my four years I was going to attend the same high school, not switch my third year after I've already made new friends.. Again.

Everywhere we've been to so far, we only stay for three years. Meaning I'll be living in Maine until my first year of college. I'm planning on attending a cheap college for my first year then I'm going the Columbia college in New York to study writing. Maybe these experiences will give me something to write about.

I'm taking one last look at my outfit before I head down stairs for my first day of school, but what's to look at really? It's a uniform.

Red blazer with the school logo in the left, white collared button down shirt, grey skirt that is the length to my fingertips, and a red and gold bow tie. I'm wearing grey knee socks that are higher then my knees actually and black school shoes.

I grab my backpack as it sits next to my window, I look out and stare at the hedge. I then remember the visit from the old lady, I continue to stare then I'm interrupted. "Come on Skylar, mom has been calling you down for breakfast for a while now" Isaac grabs my hand then we walk together downstairs, today will be a good day. I'm going to get by these last years of high school with good grades and I won't let anything get to me.

I'm pulling up to school in my car, good thing the movers didn't scratch it, my baby is like a year old. I'm walking through the doors probably looking so confused. I'm looking down on my paperwork then I'm looking at the door numbers. I'm then approached by a tall blonde, her hair is parted down the middle and it looks really shiny. Despite her height she doesn't really have curves and her chest looks like a 'B' and the smallest 'B' cup there is.

"Do you need help" I let out a smile, a sign of relief "yes please" "may I" she let's her hand out" "oh yes" I hand her my schedule, I look at her as her blue eyes observe my schedule entirely. "seems like we have all classes together except creative writing and your foreign language class which no offense I can't believe you're taking Latin, that language is complex and might I add dead" I let out a small laugh "ya think" she smiles "I know, now let me show you to your locker"

We're walking down the hall left from where I entered "oh by the way my name is Topanga, weird I know" "it's not weird I think it's pretty, and my name is Skylar" "you've got an interesting name yourself" we arrive to my locker "give it a try" I put in my combination '40-04-14' and it opens.

"Okay remember where this locker is at" I look at the number '454' okay. "So what's your reason to move here" "huh" "no one moves here unless they're trying to escape or something, we're sort of a small town I guess" "my dad's on active duty in the Military so we move a lot" "nice, hey want to come over my place later, I'd love to get to know you better"

I let out a smile "ah sure" "great come on let's get to class" "we're then approached by a boy with blonde hair as well, he's quite fit and is carrying an athletic bag on his back "Topanga where were you, you said you were going to the office with me" "sorry Dash, I met a new friend" she gestured to me "Hi, My name's Skylar" "Hi, I'm Dash" "Dash is my twin brother"

Now I see it,they resemble each other so much "hey Skylar do you play any sports" "um yeah, I play tennis" "nice, if you're thinking about playing it this year go to the office any time during the day and get an athletic permit" "thanks, let me guess football?" "nope lacrosse but good guess, I'm told I have the body for it" I give a brief smile"

Topanga links arms with me. "okay this is weird, let's get to class Skylar" we're walking and then in the corner or my eye I feel like I pass someone I know.. It just feels really.. familiar. I turn and all I see is the back of a head move into a classroom. Brown curly hair, and tall. it's not.. is it?

"Skylar are you okay" "huh, yeah let's go" what's going on in this town.

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