Harry,Harry Styles

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Last class of the day- Creative Writing. It's also my most favorite class, I took this class up last year at my old school and I've learned so much, and I plan to learn more to improve as a writer someday.

When I walk in I head straight to the seat in the middle of the class closest to the window.Window seats are always my favorite because to me I see more inspiration.

Everyone takes a seat and the class is started. Moments later after the bell has rung a boy strolls into class, dark brown curly hair and green eyes. 5'11".The same guy that was in my house.

"Styles, are we going to have to repeat this again."

We lock eyes, I can feel my heart pounding, most likely out of fear.This isn't good. He walks over and takes a seat next to me then calls out to the teacher. "Aw come on Colton, you know I'm your favorite student. And isn't it a pleasure to have me?"

The teacher gives him a look "Harry, call me by my professional name, which so the class knows it's Mr.Sybil". he looks as if he's in his late 20's with ginger hair. he's got actually a nice body for an older man. I'm not saying that he gives me butterflies but he's one of those teachers that all the girls in the class would have a very vivid imagination about what they would like to do with and to him.He turns to the board to write down his name then he starts with the basic lesson.

The entire class period, I felt his eyes on me, it's like he could see into my soul or worse through my uniform to view my undergarments.

"Okay guys for the last 5 minutes I want you guys to work on writing a short story, something with maybe a deep meaning behind it that represents you in a way" with that we are left to think on our own. But who's really doing the work, aside from myself. I'm starring at my paper then I look out the window, something that represents me..

I hear a paper fall onto my desk, a little note. I open it and read 'look to your right' I look to my right, This kid. "hi I don't think I've seen you around before, the name's Harry, Harry Styles" "Skylar Leone, and that's because I just moved here yesterday actually" not like he didn't already know that. "what brings you to Maine, no one ever comes around here to live"

I don't know whether or not I should tell him to stop playing dumb or just go along with it. "We have met before if I am not mistaken" his smile stays in perfect tact, "um no sorry, unless that was a pick up line" "sorry school comes first, you have to be pretty special for me to decide around that" "confident" "no just realistic" "well, in order to understand this town you need to be unrealistic"

With that the bell rings and Harry stands up, "see you around Skylar" "see-ya Styles"' Unrealistic? I know I'm taking everything told to me in this town literal, but It's my final high school years and my future lies within Maine on Elephant road.


So I know this chapter is super short and as a matter in fact it suck but I needed to get it up.School is Killing me, I have this Lit teacher who gives literally College amount of homework everyday. I want to try make a new update every Saturday or Sunday but It may be this story or Protector.

Thanks for the reads!



buy One Directions new album "four" November 17..

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