Judging Process

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After the genre is full, you will have the responsibility of judging.

All genres except Poetry and Short Story
Round One- Each judge is given 10 books to read. They should be judged within 2 weeks of them being given to you. You only need to read the first 3 chapters so it shouldn't be that difficult. (This doesn't include Authors notes, prologues) Pm the marks to @CrazyFam_X
Half of the books (15) will be removed from the competition. After this has came out, round two will start.
Round Two: Each judge will be given 5 books to judge. You will have 2 weeks to read the next three chapters.Nine books with the lowest score will be removed leaving 5. Six will remain.
Round Three: Each judge will be given 2 books in which they should read another 3 chapters. Then, you will be given, first, second and third places.
It should be judged in this layout.

Title: Does the title match the story?
Cover: does the cover match the story? (/5)
Description: Is the description good? (Summary of the book)
Genre: Is this relevant to the genre?
Grammar: Is the grammar correct? Are there any mistakes? (/10)
Character: How is the character build up? (/5)
Plot: How is the plot? Is it interesting to read? (/5)
Impact: What impact did it have on you? Did it make your emotions come out?

Once the poetry genre is full, judging will begin.
Round one- Judges will read 2 poem from each poem book received (10). Scores should be sent to this account: The lowest 15 will be out of the competition. Two weeks to judge
Round Two: Judges will read the next 2 poems from the books received. (5) scores sent to this account. The lowest nine books will be eliminated leaving six. Two weeks to judge
Round Three. Judges will receive 2 books each in which they will read 3 poems they haven't read yet and comment on it. Then after scores are sent to this accounts PM, we will see who's first, second and third. :) 1 week to judge.

This is the layout for judging.

Description: Is it good? (/10)
Creativity: Is the poem creative? (/10)
Word Techniques: What techniques are used? Is it used right? (/10)
Grammar: Is the grammar correct?(/10)
Impact: What impact did it have on you (/10)

Short Story.

There are no rounds for judging Short Story. Each Judge will be given 10 books to read within 3 weeks. Then, they will send the results to this PM of this account. That's all!

This is the layout.

Description: How is the summary? (/10)
Title: Does the title match the story? (/5)
Cover: Does the cover look appealing(/5)
Grammar: Is the grammar correct?(/10)
Plot: Is the plot interesting? (/10)
Impact: Did it cause you to feel happy/sad? (/10)

That's all judges. Any questions please ask _Choppers_ or right it here!

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