Kindly Show Thyselves

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These are the judges we've had no word from

❊ All of the Adventure/Action judges
❊ One of the Fanfiction judges
❊ Two of the Fantasy judges
❊ One of the Teen Fiction judges

I'm happy to report that all General Fiction, Horror/Paranormal, Poetry, Vampire/Werewolf, and Short Story judges are accounted for. Thanks for sticking with us!


Hey! *snaps fingers*

Yes. I'm talking to you. To all you judges who've been online but haven't said a word if they'll be able to judge or not. How hard is it to come up and say, "Hey, I'm sorry but I won't be able to judge, blah blah blah-"

*aforemementioned judge starts slowly backing away*

Ooooooh no you don't! NO RUNNING AWAY WHEN I'M SPEAKING, MORTAL! *douses judge with sea water*

Ahem 🙂

The point of this is, please, please, flipping please tell us if you will or will not judge. It's not like we're asking you to hula dance on a glacier in the middle of the Nile River while surrounded by very hungry crocodiles!

As of now, a lot of judges have gone MIA. We've recieved no word from them, even after I've posted a message on their boards.

To all of you wonderful peoples who actually stuck around to judge, thank you and I LURVE YOU ALL *showers you with cookies*

And as for the equally wonderful hoomans who stepped up and volunteered to become back-up judges, I LURVE Y'ALL TOO 😭 *showers you with more cookies*

{ Whelp, there goes the budget 💀 } 

Now, I understand that we all have issues. Maybe some of the missing judges are going through tough stuff, and I respect that. Good luck, y'all!💜

But what really irks me is when I see that  you were online just a couple of hours ago and didn't even bother to reply to my post on their mb, asking them if they can or cannot judge, which was a day ago. Whoa ho ho, no. That's a real low blow, hunti. 🙂

Is it that. Effing. Hard. To reply?

Just- take the time to tell us. If you're offline, I get it. Good luck out there, really. But if you're active here on Wattpad but for some reason can't judge - then please, please notify us. It'd make things so much easier.

Remember, we're human too. We have our own lives.

Now, excuse me. I have a buttload of homework to do and a long, boring, module about Chinese History to read 🙂

At times like these, I wish Percy Jackson narrated my history books (._.)

- dyne

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