Chapter 3

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Jesse came over to Beca and they've had a long conversation about Ms Beale. Beca definitely knew, that she had a crush on her teacher but did she feel the same way? Jesse promised that he won't tell anyone and that he'll support Beca even though it isn't right and against the law. But Jesse knew exactly how Beca felt and so he wanted to bring them together.

„You know what? I think Miss Beale likes you too." Jesse said after a minute silence.

„Why would you think that?" Beca replied.

„The way she looked at you. Beca you should go for it." The boy said.

„You are right. I think I'll talk to her tomorrow." Beca nodded.

Beca woked up at 6am although class began at 8 but she couldn't sleep anymore because she was so nervous. The redhead dominated her mind and she couldn't think of anything else.

The brunette walked to the classroom while thinking about Chloe. First class was English so she's looking forward to it. Beca shared one table with Jesse and behind them sat Stacie.

„Hey Beca, are you invited to Ashley's houseparty?" Stacie whispered, not wanting to disturb the other people in the room.

„Yes what about you?" Beca asked curiously.

„Yes but I need to do some stuff before. I was wondering if you want to come over and help? That'd be awesome." Stacie said.

„I can help you. I'm at your place at 6pm." Jesse answered.

„Thank you so much. I owe you one." Stacie smiled.

Miss Beale came in the classroom and put her things on the desk, her eyes instantly on Beca.

„Good morning everyone!" She smiled. "Since it's the first day I wanted to start easy. So today we'll just take a look in our books and discuss about what we are going to do this schoolyear. I hope you all are fine with that." 

"What if I wasn't?", somebody said and when Ms Beale turned to see who was talking she met eyes with the one and only Beca Mitchell.

"Then you need to come along with it I guess.", Ms Beale said, not breaking eyecontact with the brunette. 

"Lame." Beca whispered to her friend. 

At the party...

„Beca you are so drunk right now you know that?" Stacie giggled.

„What ya talking? I am sooo sober haha. Can you pleaseeee shutt upp!" Beca said, almost falling.

The mood was great. The music was loud and everyone danced but it was late in the evening and the party almost was over so Beca decided to walk home. She told her friend that she was fine but in fact she wasn't. She couldn't stand for at least 10 seconds. She sat down on a bank near the street. Beca barely noticed that a car had stopped in front of her but she stood up and went to the window to see who stopped. The brunette could recognize red hair but the face of the person was blurred.

„Get in." Ms Beale said.

Beca didn't think about it and opened the door. She fastened the seatbelt and Chloe started the engine again.

„Where are we drivin' tooo?" Beca said with a chuckle.

„You are drunk and I'll bring you home. I'm Miss BEale if you haven't recognized me yet."

„Hey Miss Beale. U look really hott right now. Like a hot dog haha." Beca said while watching the redhead. "I want to your house pleaseee, my roommate is boringgg and she'll kill me when I come home like thattt"

"Who said that I won't kill you?" Chloe joked.
"Alright you can stay the night at my place but you have to behave!"

"Yes yes yes I promise!" Beca said.

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