Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room, writing an essay that was due on Monday. 

"It's kind of stuffy in here," I said to myself. I got up and opened my window, taking a moment to watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean then I continued my report on Shakespeare's "Macbeth". I looked at the time and realized that I should probably go to sleep. I turned my laptop off and then got pajamas from my closet. I walked into my bathroom to change. As soon as I walked out, I shivered. I closed my window and then turned on my TV. As soon as I pressed play, my favorite movie, Peter Pan, started. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. 

I woke up to a sudden thud. I looked over at my alarm clock. It's glowing numbers said 2:27. I shivered and looked over to my window. I could have sworn that I closed it before I went to sleep. I was too lazy to get up and close it so I just snuggled under my covers and curled up in a ball. I felt a breeze over my head. When I opened my eyes, I screamed. Floating above my bed was a shadow with glowing white eyes. It reached it's hand out, beckoning me to it. I slowly put my small hand in it's much larger one. It jerked me out of my bed and pulled me straight out the window. I closed my eyes in fear. When I opened them, we were flying over the ocean. Before I knew it, I saw an island. It looked absolutely beautiful. Out of nowhere, the shadow dropped me and I fell, bouncing off of tree branches and getting bruises and cuts in the process. I hit the ground, banging my head on a rock. I heard footsteps and whispers. Before darkness completely consumed me, I saw a figure standing over me. I couldn't see their face, as it was blocked by a hood. 

All I heard was, "It's a girl!" Then, I was gone.

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