Chapter 6

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"Caitie, Caitie wake up!" Someone whispered, shaking me awake. I slowly rolled over and opened my eyes. 

"Felix? What do you want?" I groaned. 

"Hurry up. I'm helping you get away from here. Pan's out training a new lost boy. He won't be back for at least another 30 minutes." He rushed. I quickly sat up in bed. 

"Felix? Are you crazy? I don't want to leave. I especially don't want to leave Peter." I argued. 

"Caitie, what has he told you? You're delirious." He accused. 

"Felix! Just get out!" I yelled. 

"I'm really sorry Caitie..." He trailed off. Before I could respond, he had picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I pounded his back with my fists and flailed my legs. No matter what I did he wouldn't stop. He finally got to a cave and set me down. "I'll bring you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And I'll check on you several times a day. I promise." He told me. 

"But I-" I started. 

"FELIX? WHERE ARE YOU? CAITIE'S MISSING!" I heard Peter shout from nearby. Felix ran out of the cave towards the woods. He was obviously trying to get back to camp before Peter. I didn't want to stay here. 

"PETER! PETER! HELP!" I shouted. 

"CAITIE? WHERE ARE YOU?!" I heard a worried Peter call out. 

"PETER! IM IN THIS CAVE!" I yelled. I heard footsteps and soon enough he came into view. 

"Oh my god. Caitie. What happened? Why did you run away?" He asked. 

"I didn't. Felix kidnapped me and brought me here." I explained. 

"No, he said you told him you couldn't stay with me because I was such a horrible person. He said you hated me." He was on the verge of tears. 

"I promise I never said that. Peter, please trust me." I begged. He looked me in the eyes and then he hugged me. I buried my face into his chest, crying. After a while we got up and started walking back to camp. He kept his arms wrapped around me tightly like I was going to disappear. Once we walked into the clearing containing our camp, Felix looked up. He looked shocked and angry. Pan started to walk towards him but I told him to go off somewhere and I would talk to Felix. 

"No-" He tried to tell me. I stood on my tip toes and pecked his lips. Before he could stop me I walked over to Felix. 

"You're dead. You're so dead. He is going to kill you." I told him. 

"He should thank me. I was protecting you." He sneered. 

"Fuck. You." I growled. I walked into the tent I shared with Peter to see him on the bed crying. I rushed over to him and hugged him. He buried his face into my neck and sobbed. Eventually, we ended up laying down, cuddling. His heart was obviously broken. He thought I left him. I would never.

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