Chapter 1

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Kang Ryu:

4018th year (present time)

"I can't believe that my cute little patootie Ryu is going to leave us! And I curse you! Min Yoongi for making her as an experiment! I mean, we might lost a very dear potato at our side if this project fails!" Areum, the Chief's assistant slash Chief Min Yoongi's assistant slash my bestfriend who acts like a mother to me said.

"She sign up for this." Cheif Yoongi yawn and rest his feet in the desk and drift off to sleep and I seriously need a talent like that! I mean he just seriously need a second to sleep while I usually need a thousands of sleeping position to actually sleep!

"The Cheif's right Areum. I did actually sign up for this. It is interesting though like going back to the past or going to the future. Who knows where this time machine will take me!" I said, eyes sparkling thinking I can met different humans and what will or was the world in the past or future is!

"But, if this project failed, we might end up losing you" Areum started to get her eyes teary and I don't want a crying bestfriend of mine to do this before we part ways. I mean, I want them to watch over me while eating popcorns and cola like I usually do whenever they made such experiment.

"If you are so sure about it, Cheif Yoongi will never take a deep rest knowing that this project will fail I mean, he has pride after all" I took a quick glance at the Cheif before whispering to Areum since I don't want to let him hear it. It will surely make his ego big.

"And again, our lazy Cheif is sleeping in this big day and big party. I seriously can't get him no matter how hard I try. When we did our project, he was so cool but now, I think he his lame" the American scientist Jerome said while drinking a cup of coffee in the party. Seriously, how can he not love food?

"Says the one who acts like the Cheif." His sister, Veronica scoffs at the thought that her brother judge the Cheif since Jerome is also lazy but serious when he starts to work which is very rare. Although, Cheif is more handsome and swaggy.

"Guys, stop fighting!" I whined as I eat my sweet ice cream with some chocolate syrup on it. "I seriously don't want my goodluck party to become a war before midnight! I also don't want you guys to be sad as I step the Imravel240 (time machine). I want you guys to be happy for me since I will be the first who will use it and travel!" They all look at each other and sighed.

"Well, she's the brave Kang Ryu after all" Areum said and smiled happily while she stole my ice cream. I glared at her but she seems to not notice it so I pouted. Fluffly fuzzy ball! I surely will miss you my ice cream please rest in peace.

"She is also strong. Don't wanna mess her and her witchcraft skills like seriously. She's the top student" Jerome shivers when he thought my witchcraft skills since I curse him to be a pizza and trust me, I almost ate him good thing he turn back in time!

"That was an accident! I didn't mean to almost eat you up! I mean the pizza's crust and that melting cheese is so delicious!" I drooled when I thought about pizzas.

"Time's up scientist. It's time to test Imravel240" the Cheif finally woke up being serious. We straighten our backs and nod. I guess the party is done afterall and now, it is time to travel to history books or future history books. We let the Cheif go to the lab first as usual since he has a rank higher than us especially I am a mere experiment which I volunteered.

"Ryu, are you ready? Did you wear and bring the things that I told you too?" The Cheif ask, his eyes remain calm. Well, trying to remain calm but I just nod to answer his question. If this fail, I am ready to risk my life. They spent more than 10 years building this machine and I must survive and succeed. I'm counting on you Imravel240

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