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Kang Ryu:

Today is the day where I will now bid farewell to everyone who lives in here. Everyone that I knew are here, looking at me as I go. Aside from Taehyung, the others knew when he told them and at first, they didn't believe it. I mean, who will? But as soon as it gets serious, they cried.

"Ryu, can't you stay a little longer?" Jiyeon sniffs. Clearly she is still crying until now. I hug her and pat her back. She continues to cry.

"I can't. The Cheif said it will endanger my life more if I stay longer." I give her a smile. About my soul being shattered, the Cheif found out a solution for me. I can avoid that by being marked by a vampire and to be honest, I never thought that Taehyung marking me will save me once.

"Noona, we will surely wait for you and until that time comes, we will find you. " Jungkook said seriously. His eyes are getting teary but he holds it so that it won't fall to his cheeks.

"Aish, you kid. Taehyung should say that line not you!" Jimin smacks Jungkook in the head. Because of anger, Jungkook carries Jimin and flies to the sky, ready to release Jimin.

"Ya! Ya! I'm just joking! I'm your hyung, you can't do this to me!" Jimin shouted in fear and we all laugh at their childish behaviour. It literally lift the mood up.

"Ryu, if I found you first, I'm gonna claim you as mine." Namjoon winks at me and looks at Taehyung. He obviously wants to tease him especially Taehyung has great reactions when it comes to teasing. Taehyung glares at Namjoon while Namjoon just grins.

To bad that I will never see the Namjoon like this in my time. Especially he is destined to die because he betray his own Kingdom where he originally belongs to. Well, fate is cruel after all.

"My Queen, thank you for being here as you make the palace very lively. Thank you for making our King smile." Minjie says and bows down. She is a maid but I really treat her as my friend. I even told her to just call me by my name. She agreed but if Taehyung is in sight, she will call me by my title.

"You don't really have to bow down. Also, Jungkook likes you. I can sense it." I whisper the last two sentences and squeal after that. Minjie blushes and touch her red cheeks.

"Seriously Ryu, I told you that will not happen! Especially that is ridiculous and unrealistic!" She half whispers. The others look at us curiously and we both smile slyly.

"We never have the chance to talk to each other but maybe in the future we will." Suga smiles and ruffles my hair. I look at him and smiles.

"Same as I am!" Hoseok jumps to my should that makes me jump since I am startled.

"Well, you guys are fun to chat with so we'll be bestfriends in no time!" I grin and they both grin back. I'm still not being used seeing Suga smile like that since the Cheif is very different.

"Aren't you going to say something to Ryu?" Jimin asks Taehyung after handling the angry Jungkook. Taehyung was very far from us and he looks very unhappy. He is the one who is affected the most and he won't even show it. Boys are really hard to handle.

"Is that the King of Nights?" Veronica squeals as soon as she sees Taehyung. All the guys in the lab flew to her monitor just to see Taehyung. Right, I forgot about them. I told the guys about them and they get along very quickly. What made them shocked is that the Cheif Min Yoongi and Suga looks very alike. They even made fun about them.

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