Chapter 34

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Kang Ryu:

Yesterday's events were pretty annoying like how he won, announcing I am the future Queen and how he sent Namjoon to the Kingdom's best hospital. Namjoon laughs in excitement when he lost. He never felt that way and is now in fire to win against Taehyung. Because of that, Taehyung insists the nurse to find out what is wrong with his brain.

Here we are, beside Namjoon's hospital bed who is healing together with Taehyung, who is just watching him, heal. Vampires can heal themselves but because Namjoon got a deep wound, it couldn't just heal itself while Taehyung is not being admitted since he got only cuts and such.

"Namjoon, what are you going to tell me about? We made a bet, remember?" Taehyung taps his foot in the floor, impatiently while leaning in the wall as his hands are in his pockets.

"How many times do I have to tell you that it is hyung!" Namjoon whines and then gives a cold glare to Taehyung. Taehyung didn't mind it since he wants Namjoon to do the bet. Namjoon sighs and finally opens his mouth giving Taehyung what he wants him to do.

"Well..." Namjoon looks at me and mouthed sorry. I look at him in confusion but he just smiles and continues, "Tomorrow, Ryu will go somewhere especially she doesn't really belong here. Why not asks Ryu? It's more detailed." My eyes widen when I hear Namjoon finishes his sentence. But the question is, how did he know?

"Ryu, I have eyes to see the truth so sadly, you can't hide things from me. Now, go out and explain Taehyung before his heart will break." Namjoon winks at me but this time, it is not that playful but it was a sad wink.

"Now that's an annoying power." I mumble. I look at Taehyung and he looks confuse too. Well, I guess it is the time to tell him especially it is my last full day in this era.

"Vasílissa mou, are you keeping a secret from me?" Taehyung's face shows how worried he is and that makes me feel guilty. I should have told him sooner especially he announces to every vampires that I will be his Queen. Now, might feel betray because of it.

"Taehyung, can I have a word?" I sigh and drag him away from Namjoon. I decided to talk to him outside the hospital incase he will go wild. Outside the hospital, there is a mini forest so I take him there as we sit in the big rock. Taehyung didn't protest nor speak. He just follows me and that makes me grow worried of his reaction after.

"Care to share?" He hissed. I look at him and you can see that it is written in his face that he doesn't like me keeping a secret behind his back. Well, no one does especially that secret involves you.

"I.. I'm from the future." I finally started. Taehyung suddenly burst in laughing that he almost fall from the stone. Luckily, I am quick enough to support him.

"Come on vasílissa mou, if you want to tell a lie, you must do something realistic." He continues to laugh but when he realizes my behavior, he stops. "You've got to be kidding." He whispers.

"I wish but no, I am not." I look down. Taehyung holds my hand and kiss it.

"Tell me about it. I'll listen." His voice cracks. Probably not accepting the situation. Despite all of that, I am a bit glad that he will hear me out and just handles this situation properly. If this guy lives in my era, he will surely freak out and dial a number that contact the mental hospital.

"I am from the year 4018th where there are lots of machines. I live where scientist are roaming around in the building, to build a time machine which is intitled Imravel240. While they are doing that, all of the experiments including me, are studying basic to advance spells, magics and powers to protect our selves when doing some mission. Also, take note that I am a big fan of yours." I chuckle from the last sentence.

"That's more like it." His voice is soft but I can feel him smiling in my hand.

"I always read about you and well, fantasize. Okay, let us just skip that. It is embarrassing!" I exclaimed making him chuckle and nod.

"Frankly, I volunteered to jump in the time machine not knowing I will go to this time or to the future. Here I am, in your world. Actually, the plan is to stay here in just 5 days but because Jerome, a scientist by the way, accidentally break it. So I have to stay here for four months." I sigh remembering that day.

"I think I should give him a reward for doing that. If he did not, I wouldn't have met you." He said and I just hum in agreement. "Continue." He added.

"I'm pretty sur eyou already know the rest since I spent my life here with you. Recently, one of the Four Prophets and the Four Witches appears to me and told me to save you from dying since your destiny is that you will live longer until my era comes. Believe it or not, I actually save you! I also can't believe they are my first two friends in this era." I grin and he looks a bit shock.

"Me? Dying? Not gonna happen! I am even here, standing in the sunlight." He scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Well, that's because you are a half Sun citizen not to mention it is the late Queen!" I glare at him and he laughs again and went silent after a few seconds.

"I was being told that I shouldn't meddle with the past so that my soul will not break if I will go back to my era." I slowly said studying his expression. He quickly looks away from me and tightens his hand against mine.

"Don't worry, they are scientist. They will figure it out." I smile to reassure him but the truth is, I am also scared if that time come. He sighs in relief and I continue, "And that basically it."

Taehyung stand up and said, "Lets go.." He carries me in a bridal style as I squeal, holding hugging his neck a bit tight and then loosen it.

"Where are we going?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Before you will go and leave me here, let us make some memories together." He smiles sadly.


Just a small tiny note. I just change my username so hopefully, you won't be confuse. ALSOO, LET US NOT FORGET THAT TAEHYUNG'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FAIRY TAEHYUNGIE~

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