Chapter 23

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Kang Ryu:

"Taehyung, chill out will you?" I almost shouted because everything that I am saying right now is not getting into him. It's like I'm talking to an air and I hate that kind of situation. This was supposed to be a happy party but instead, it turned out to be a disaster because Taehyung's mood was changed.

I wanted to asked the guard what is inside that letter but I figure it out that he hasn't reads it because he doesn't have the authority to.

"Bunny, stay here and watch the palace while I'm gone." Taehyung seriously said but I just rake my hair in anger because it is frustrating to see him in that vampire form of his on his birthday party.

The history books that I had read about him did mention that he will go in the Sun Kingdom but it didn't state that why was he going there.

"Look, what was on the letter. Tell me or I'll refuse to be your bride." I threathen. I didn't have much of a choice because I'm eager to know about the content of the letter.

"If I have to choose about your safety and you refusing as my bride, then I'm sorry bunny because I will choose your safety. After all, I can win you back in no time." He smiled gently but i can see that it was forced so that I can rest assured but it didn't work for because his anger is on the top.

"You do know that you are only making me worry which is bad for my health." I said trying to make him confess about the letter but instead, it worsen his anger. His veins started to show up as his skin started to get more pale which is a sign that you have made a Royal vampire furious and that he is trying to hold it. If I am one of his slaves, I think I already died.

"Look Kang Ryu, stay still and shut your mouth. you might even get killed because of this. remember the saying 'curiosity kills the cat'." He glared at me obviously saying that I should not mind his business.

"Can't you that I am worried about you that is why I am meddling with your business? If I were not worried, then I would not have pushed you so hard to tell me about that paper." I scoffed as I whispered. He obviously heard me but pretended not to.

"My King, your carriage has awaits you." Jungkook said, doing his job as a butler. What's weird is that Jungkook- no, the people at this palace didn't even react about it like they are used to it. Jungkook is even acting weird. Awhile ago, he was in his formal suite, having fun but right now, he is in his butler attire, being serious.

"Keep an eye to the Queen." That was Taehyung's last words before heading to the Sun Kingdom. I couldn't move because I was left speechless that other vampires doesn't care about their King. it's like I'm the only one being worried!

"Jungkook, kindly explain. It seems you knew something about the letter." I deepen my voice so that I can sound scary and it worked. Jungkook gulped and wipe his sweat using a handkercheif.

"Noona, I admit that I knew about the content of the letter because I too have recieved one since I am one with the Royal family but we can't share some informations about it especially you are not a vampire and a Queen yet." He looked at my eyes, hard.

"I don't care. All I want is to protect him. I can't wait like this for the rest of the week, months, years, who knows when he will come back." I sighed in frustration.

"Noona, that is how a Queen must feel. That is also one of her roles in the Kingdom. To stay because the kingdom needs a ruler when the King is away and second, waiting for her King to return safely without you at his side... even in war. That is why, the role of a Queen is harder than what you have thought. It is just not all about lady-like but it is also about having trust,hope,patience,loyalty,strength and what you could possibly think of to the King." He explained while giving me a sad smile.

"But I will never be your Queen. I have to go home or else my soul will be shattered." I whispered while looking at the floor. "I made sure that he didn't hear me.

"What did you say Noona? Sorry, can you repeat it?" He looked at me, worried as if he is afraid that I am saying something important and that he missed it which is correct.

I looked at him and gave him my best smile. He didn't looked convinced but even so, he ruffled my hair that caused me to send him some death glares.

"Ya, you're younger than me how could you disrespect me?" I joked and laughed. When Jungkook moved closer to the candles, I noticed that he has keys and that was located in his pockets. I decided to do something like in the movies. Like distracting the character so that the main character can get the object they want which is pretty basic. Hopefully, Jungkook won't notice it.

"Jungkook, do you like that maid? What is her name again? Park Minjay? Doesn't seem right. Wait! It's Bae Minjie!" I squealed as if I am proud of my boy while putting my arm around his shoulders.

"What do you mean and w-who is B-Bae Minjie?" Jungkook blushed and stuttered. I gave him a teasing look because it was fun. I decided to get the keys since I thought it is now the right time. I slowly pull the keys out and glad that he didn't noticed it since he is ranting about me being wrong about the part he likes Minjie but he is obviously lying.

"I'm so disappointed at you my brother." I thought while putting the keys inside socks, trying to look like I am fixing my shoe.

He looked at me, eyes full of hurt. I thought I was doom but then laughed when he said, "What did I do to disappoint you sister?"

"Well, it is a secret so that things will get interested." I winked as he gulped hard. I decided to go back to my room while waving at him, turning my back.

When I arrived at my room, I looked at the keys that has names and bingo, I just freaking had a jackpot. I picked the keys which is for the cables, where the horses are located. I decided to head to the Sun Kingdom this morning, where vampires are asleep and tomorrow, I will surely have the secrets revealed someday but what if my secrets will be revealed instead?

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