Keep Running: The Beginning.

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Its all a mess. The memory of that evening will always haunt me. The memory of loosing my mother to BL/ind is still in my memory and I will never forget it. Soon I, Rapid Venom will be a faded memory, we all are.

It brings tears to my eyes remembering the events of yesterday evening when my dad Fun Ghoul put up the final fight for what he believed. Nor is my dads closest friends Kobra Kid, Party Poison and Jet Star they all died yesterday and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I remember dad taking my hand as we both lay on the floor awaiting the final battle, the words he said to me are stuck in my mind forever, no forgetting, no turning back. The words my dad told me before he left me to my own devices to the floor were "Stay strong Venom. I'll always be here for you, just keep running and they won't get you. I've seen you run from a young age, just stay strong baby. I love you." I whispered back "I love you too, I'll stay strong. I promise" and with that remark dad and I jumped up, grabbed our ray guns and fought the battle, as I blinked for that one short second I caught sight of Kobra Kid, he was lying on the floor dead. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw him there on the floor motionless, I never even got to say good bye to him, as I turned round I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Jet Star, he told me to stay low and stay out of sight, he told me "If we don't make it, I'll say good bye now" and he hugged me, I hugged back but then let go as I felt Jet's grip slip away, he'd be shot, at this point I'd had it with the draculoids and BL/ind, I frantically looked around for Party Poison but he was no where to be seen, I could hear in my ear peace Cyanide Heart trying to contact me. She told me she could see Party Poison but couldn't see our crew of teenage killjoys. I began to panic, shooting down dracs like a fire in a forest, then I spotted Vampire Bunny. We ended standing back to back shooting endless amounts of dracs, but at that moment I saw Party Poison and then a drac behind him. I screamed "PARTY POISON" to try alert him but it was to late a drac shot him in the back of the head, I slide to floor to dodge the rays from the ray guns, one hit, your dead. I grabbed is wrist to check if he was still alive, he wasn't. My dads best friend was dead, I began crying in search for my dad, when something grabbed me from behind, dad, he looked worried, he pulled me to the door and he held me close and put something in my back pocket and the whispered in my ear "Venom, whenever you're scared hole this close, close your eyes and count to 17. I promise you'll feel safer" and with that he kissed my forehead and handed me to Adrenaline Danger Heart (also known as Danger) who pulled me out the door, leaving dad in there to fight on his own. He locked the door as I left, but I squirmed free from Danger and banged on the glass door wanting to help my dad, all I saw was him falling to the floor, I couldn't confirm whether he was dead or not. I hoped for the best he wasn't. Tears now streaming down my face Cyanide Heart and Danger holding me back and pushing me into the back seat of the car as Vampire Bunny started up the car engine and sped off to find the nearest zone... After that its all a blur..

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