Chapter Four.

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I was slumped against the wall. What the hell had just happened? One moment I had woken up, the next thing I know, the dude just threatened to kill me. The guy I saved. The entire scene just kept repeating in my head. It was like it was on a loop and I was reliving it again. "You should really learn the art of locking doors"? Did I really not lock my door yesterday? That was the scariest part. Anybody could have walked in. It could have been a thief or a murderer. How am I so dumb? I mentally slapped myself.

I walk out of the bathroom and realize that I don't have enough time to shower, if I wanted to make it to the interview. And I needed the job. I run to my room, Put on my clothes, apply some light makeup. With makeup I mean, eyeliner and lipstick. I pop in some mints and run to the door, praying that I would make it in time for the interview. I run out of the door, just to realize that I forgot to wear my heels. This day could not get any worse.

Let me tell you, it did get worse. It was as if bad luck followed me everywhere. After the whole forgetting heels thing. I was hoping that that would be the end of all the bad luck that constantly followed me. The road looked empty and the sun glistened in the sky like a shining diamond. The different shades of yellow and red created a magnificent view and it was as if the city had finally slept because there was no noise. It was just the birds chirping and occasional dog barking. Moments like this always make me realize that life was beautiful. The whole scene lasted for exactly 3 minutes before I saw two people arguing. I could see drunk teenagers doing the walk of shame. Cars filled the road. The atmosphere was filled with honks and shouts. And times like this, force me to face reality.

"TAXI" I scream. None of them stop. It was as if I was invisible. Well that was a fail. I take my phone out of my bag to check the time. 9:37. Fuck! I need to be there in another 30 minutes. I can't afford to be late.

"Taxi" I try my best hailing a taxi. One of the taxis stop in front of me. I sigh a breath of relief. The taxi dude, stops for a minute. He rolls down his window. He eyes trail over my body, he shakes his head and leaves. Just like that. Not a word.

"Hey assbutt! I hope you get no rides at all! That motherfuc-"

I hear someone chuckle.

"Hey, how about you shove that laugh up yo- " And I turn.

"Is that how you treat me after last night SpongeBob? Did last night mean nothing to you?" He feigns hurt as he moves his hand over his non-existent heart. I'm sure it is shallow in there. There he is standing against a pole. Looking like he just walked out of a GQ cover. I could hear the people around me gasp.

I could feel a million eyes on me right now. Some looking at me in envy and some looking at me in disgust. The only time the neighborhood acknowledge my existence. They think I'm a slut. Just great!

"Hey Mister! I don't know who you are. Talk to me again and I'll scream bloody murder." I hurried back to find a taxi for myself

"Oh now don't be like that. We both know, that if I did make a move on you, you wouldn't try resisting and we wouldn't have left the house if that happened" With every word he takes a step closer. Really again? Have you no sense of personal space?

I finally managed to flag down a taxi. I put my hand on the handle. Suddenly, I could feel him standing right behind me. His hot breath against my neck caused me to stop breathing. I couldn't think of anything right now. My mind foggy. I could feel the heat rush to my face and I shut my eyes. I couldn't think straight. If I just had some experience in the boys department, this wouldn't have happened.

Come on Harper breath. Don't let him know that he got to you. Just inhale and exhale.

A minute passed. I felt the absence of the body that was behind me. I could feel the cold air brush against my skin. I slowly open my eyes, just to find out that he was sitting in my taxi, the one that I had managed to flag down. He looked at me through the window. He said something to the driver, who nodded and rolled down the window.

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