Chapter Five.

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Okay. Back up. Rewind. What just happened?

"What are you doing here?" He asked still trying to absorb the situation

"I could ask you the same thing." I retort.

"Are you really that dumb or do you pretend to be dumb. I work here. The sign on the board has my name. The real question is what you are doing here?" he asked raising his perfectly shaped brows.

"Well I work here too. I mean I will work here. I mean I want to work here. Can I?" I start rambling. Get a grip woman. Confidence is the key.

He looks at me bewildered and gives me disappointed look.

"Who are you?" I ask curiously.

"I am Elijah Xander, youngest senior partner at Abett Grey Parkinson. You would have done that if you had done a little research." He replies

"I would have if a certain somebody hadn't come crawling into my house yesterday. I haven't even heard your name. It's like you expect everyone to know who you are" I lied through my gritted teeth. Everybody knew who he was. Nobody has ever got a clear picture of the dude but he is known for a lot. You name it, Elijah has had a hand in it before.

"Really?Okay then have a seat." he said with a tinge of bitterness. Jeez okay!

All of sudden I couldn't move it was like my feet were planted to the ground. I almost forgot how to walk. It's not that I didn't want to go there, it's that I couldn't. Something was holding me back. Minutes passed, his eyes were still on me. A predator waiting for its prey to move out from the crowd so it could make its move.

"Can you not hear me? I asked you to take a seat. If you are this incompetent. Get. Out. You are already late in the first place and now you are just wasting my time. So get the fuck out of my office right now. I can't tolerate people who are not on time and the ones who waste it. Just because you helped me out yesterday does not require me to be nice to you. I didn't even ask you to help me. I was fine by myself. I'm already having a bad day and this headache is not helping. So get out before I call security." He boomed enunciating every word.

Okay hold up now. Late? The only reason I was late was because of him. He is the one that ruined my day. If it wasn't for him I would have made it to the interview on time. I should have just let him rot on the floor last night. Screw my good soul. You getting way ahead of yourself. Shut up inner me. That's it. I have taken enough. He has no right to screw me over.

"Listen here jack fruit, the only reason I was late was because of you. You were the one who walked into my house. Bleeding. You were the one almost dying on the floor and instead of calling the cops, I helped your sorry ass out. Sure I may have accidentally drugged you but I was only trying to help you out. You were the one that stole my ride in the morning. So you don't have the right to talk to me like that. And you don't have to be nice to me for helping you out, oh god no. Its not like I saved your life or anything. But a little bit of gratitude never hurt anyone. And you are having a bad day? Well mine is worse and I don't have to tell you the reason behind it because I'm sure you know by now." I took a tiny break to catch my breath.

With every step forward I said,

"You are the root of all my problems, at least for today. This was supposed to be the most happiest moment of my life because I dreamt of this moment EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I apologies for accidentally drugging you. I may be the reason behind that headache so..." I open my bag and look for my Xanax bottle, it takes me a while considering all the shit i have in my bag. I take my wallet and keep it on his desk before finally finding that little bastard in my bad. I take it out and throw it to him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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