Chapter 8

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The first thing I do when I get home, is call Sarah. She instantly picks up. "Heyo, bitchacho."

"Any chance you want to go to the beach?" I ask her, wandering around my room looking for a suitcase. Kaden never said I couldn't invite another friend.

Sarah squeals on the other end. "Yes, of course! Oh my god, when?"

"We leave tomorrow." I cross my fingers. It's late notice, so I really hope she can make it.

There's fumbling on the other line for a few minutes, and I can tell she's asking her parents. During that, I search my drawers with one hand, holding the phone to my ear with the other. "They said yes! Who else is going?"

"Oh, um," I clear my throat. "Just me, you, Jaxon, Kaden... and uh, Beth."

I hear a snort from her, following by a plop, which means she's getting comfortable. "What? That douche invited you on vacation with his girlfriend? He is blind as a bat, my good friend."

"I know!" I heave a sigh, swinging my t-shirt in the air in exaggeration. "She's going to be giving me the stink eye the entire time. And I bet she looks like a model in a bikini and not a potato, like me. Oh my god, what if he gawks at her the entire time? Maybe he's trying to hook me up with Jaxon. Is that a sign?"

She laughs on the other end. "Slow down. But if he kisses her in front of you, I will actually slap him. I'm not joking, I will kill that sumabitch."

"I don't know if I should even go." I sit down on the edge of my bed, looking at my suitcase with longing. "The beach sounds amazing, but getting friend zoned by Kaden the entire time? Hell no."

Sarah gasps dramatically. "What? This is a free vacation to the beach! Who cares? We could  do our own thing if you wanted, just you and me. It'll be fun, Lee! Please?"

"That'd be okay. And you're right, who cares about him? I don't." I stand up, skipping over to my dresser again, grabbing a few of everything. Anything cute goes in the suitcase.

Who needs men? This will be a girl's week. With Jaxon, though because he probably doesn't want to be around Kaden.

She hoops and hollers on the other end, laughing. "Hell yeah, girl!"

"Hold up," I say before she hangs up. "Can we drive together in your car? I don't want to be in the same car as her for a couple hours."

"Sorry. My driving privileges have been suspended."

I let out a groan, already picturing the painful road trip. "Again?"

"Yeah. Her Majesty doesn't want me to drive on vacation because I'm 'more likely to drink and drive.'" She mocks her mom with a high pitched voice, and I bet she's rolling her eyes.

Putting a couple shorts in the suitcase, I reply, "Ah, sounds like her. We'll just have to take some headphones to drown out Kaden's country music and Beth's annoying voice then."

"Did you ask Jaxon if he wanted to go?"

I mentally slap myself. "Oh shit, no."

"Better get to it. See ya." Sarah says, and when I say bye, we hang up.

Hey do you want to go on vacation to a beach with me, Sarah, Kaden and his girlfriend?

Yeah, if you're not mad at me.

I'm not mad at you. (And meet me at my house tomorrow at five, that's when we're leaving.)

Thank god. And Kaden has a girlfriend?

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