Chapter 22

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The temperature was around twenty degrees Fahrenheit, so I wore jeans that quite frankly made my butt look bigger than it is. Your girl is flat af. With that, I just wore my oversized hoodie, hoping Kaden wasn't taking me to a fancy place and expected me to dress up.

Your girl doesn't dress up either.

Anyways, I adjusted my glasses while looking at myself in the mirror. The doorbell rang downstairs. "I'll get it!" I called, rushing down the stairs. I realized how stupid I am because my dad isn't home anyway. It's a habit.

Then I fixed my hair really quickly, putting a smile on my face as I opened the door. Kaden's dazzling smile awaited me, his honey eyes alone could melt me. He did a once over of me with approval in his eyes. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

I didn't have much time to see his outfit- which was a white hoodie, and dark sweatpants that I got him for his birthday- before his lips were on mine. I was taken aback and almost fell, but his arm wrapped around my back, pulling me closer to him. The door closed behind Kaden, his lips never leaving mine as we melted into each other.

He kissed me so passionately- with fire. It raced through me as his hands explored my back and eventually got to my ass, and then he grabbed my thighs, lifting me up. His lips unfortunately separated from mine before connecting with my collarbone. He let out a breathy whisper, his hot breath on my skin causing me to shiver. "Is your dad home?"

"No..." I said, closing my eyes, enjoying the feel of him pressed against me. Then my eyes shot open when I felt a bite. "Hey!"

"Oops, sorry," He said while chuckling lightly. He didn't sound sorry at all, that lovable bastard.

I sighed heavily, caressing the back of his neck. Then I said, "Kaden we've gotta go on that date, remember?"

"Yeah," He whispered, lips traveling to my throat causing me to tilt my head for him to kiss me. "We could stay in?"

"No way. We've gotta go on a date our whole life together has been staying in." I pointed out. Before I was dizzy from his kisses but I really want to go on an actual date.

"Oo. I like the words 'Our whole life together.'" He said to me.

"C'mon, let's go." I said even though we weren't moving, he was just holding me and resting his head on my left shoulder. "Where did you plan on taking me?"

He thought for a moment. "Where did you wanna go?"

It was my turn to think. "Uh. I was thinking maybe McDonald's and see what we wanna do after that."


"Of course."

"That's my girl." He gave me one more kiss on the corner of my mouth, making me sigh, before letting me down.

I smiled. But I felt the overbearing weight of the talk we needed to have. I hoped it'd go fine- I mean he's my best friend, he's the person I can talk about anything with.

We did as we planned. I got a Big Mac of course, with some fries and a drink. Kaden got the same, and we both shared a twenty pack of chicken nuggets. I'm not someone to dwell on the fluff of relationships, so I'll spare you most of the date, where we just laughed and complained about how full we were.

"I'm not gonna be able to eat for a week," He groaned before grabbing at his stomach. "Good-bye toned body."

"Oh, shut up. You literally have a six pack," I said, making a face before eating more fries. "Plus, you didn't finish your food. You're weak!"

Kaden glared at me. We sat in silence before he slowly grabbed a huge handful of chicken nuggets, and put them in his mouth, keeping eye contact. I bursted out laughing- more like wheezing. Soon he did the same and started choking on the food.

After we stopped our wheezing, I just watched him for a minute. Then I said, "I love you, Kade."

He grinned. "Love you too, Loo-Loo."

The weight of the topic that's been poking at my mind got to me. I gave him a sad smile, that melted into a frown. He immediately sensed something, but before he could ask, I started with, "What are we Kade?"

"What do you mean?" His voice was deeper, meaning he was out of playful mode and into real talk mode.

I looked down at my hands, before looking back up at him. "Well-" I sighed, alternating between looking out the window and at him. "It's just that we never talked about that kiss. What did it mean? Are we... together now? I just- I have so many questions."

"Luce, first of all," He grabbed my hand. Then he looked deep into my eyes, and said, "That kiss meant everything to me. It helped me confirm the thoughts I've been having about you. I always thought I liked you, but I told myself, 'No, you're just friends, and you're meant to be just friends.'"

I kinda flinched at his words. They were just about the thoughts I had all the time. I let him continue, though, and he did continue.

"I bet you understand how amazing that kiss was it was like a weight was taken off- it felt like a release. I realized how I thought I loved Beth, but I really didn't. I mixed up my feelings, and didn't listen to myself, I just went with logic. I thought that I had to be in love with her, we were with each other long enough."

His words felt powerful, probably because it was the truth and we all know how powerful the truth is. I'll never understand how he really felt about Beth or anything really, I just have to trust that he loves me. And I love him too.

"And Luce," He told me, squeezing my hand. "We can be whatever you want. I would be so happy to make this official, if you wanted. I'll answer the questions you have."

I stared down at our connected hands, took a deep breath, and asked, "Why did you kiss me? You just broke up with Beth- it just- it's weird."

"If you're thinking you were some kind of rebound then get rid of that thought, please. I kissed you because I finally woke up and realized all the signs. Like, for instance, with you I wouldn't miss being with Beth, but when I was alone with Beth, all I could think about was you. Or how it absolutely destroyed me when I saw you with Jaxon. And God, you looked so beautiful that I just caved. It was a mistake at the time, but it was one of the best mistakes ever. It was worth the risk, so I kissed you.

Oh man, I thought to myself. Wow. I started to tear up a little bit, but I smiled and asked, "Do you think we're ready?"

"We've waited way too long."

I laughed, stroking his hand with my thumb. "Way too long..."

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