Chapter 21

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Hi I'm Luce. And I struggle with procrastination.

So yeah, I never ended up talking to him about it. He came inside after shoveling the driveway, we drank eggnog, and then I got a text from Sarah. She wanted to go to the library with me to study for the tests we had next week. I said a short goodbye to him and left.

I'll talk to him later. Says every other procrastinator out there.

I figured I needed a little mental break to think and I wanted a distraction. Plus, I had to study for those tests that we always have near Christmas break.

I found Sarah deep in the wild jungle of the public library with endless shelves, her small frame nested between the science fiction and autobiography sections. With her school materials sprawled on the table before her, she looked prepared.

"Hi," I said in a reasonably quiet voice.

She jumped so high, her eyes going extremely wide, before her muscles relaxed and she rolled her eyes. "Shhh!" She put a finger in front of her lips and hushed me. "So loud! Why do you have to scare me like that?"

I put my hands up in surrender before noticing the many cups of coffee littered on the table. Once I put my backpack on the table, a cup fell over, and it sounded empty. "Did you drink all of these?" I asked, wide eyed while gingerly holding one up.

"Yes," She whisper-exclaimed. Then, she glanced around before leaning in, and she said, "And now I see eyes everywhere. So many eyes."

I made a face at her like 'c'mon man'. She cracked then, smiling wide and admitted, "Alright, alright. I don't see eyes but I do see my failing grades in the future. I actually did drink all of these coffees, also."

"Sarah, that doesn't sound healthy."

"You know, I went to the same place every time. But I felt like the guy serving the drinks would judge me so I grabbed some of my Halloween wigs and put a different one on every time I went through the drive-through."

I snorted and said, "Me."

"Okay, all jokes aside," She laughed. "I need to do the homework due tomorrow. And I need to do my art club thing."

I unzipped my backpack to grab some pencils. "Oh? I didn't know you do art club."

"Psh," She said. "I need to do it since I got, like, five detentions last month for being late. I decided to join the goddamn club instead of having points taken off my GPA, which was of course the art teacher that suggested it."

"Ah," I said.  Then I kinda tapped my fingers against the wood of the table for a few seconds, contemplating.

Should I tell her about me and Kaden? I mean, it seems like an obvious yes, but it's not like we're together together, y'know. Maybe I'll talk to him about it later today...

"What is going on with you right now?" Sarah laughed lightly.

My eye brows went up and we connected eyes. "Hm?"

She clicked her pen, stared at me, and then said, "You're acting... strange. I can practically smell it."

"What're you-"

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