Coffee Date?

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Liza's POV:

How hard would it be to get blood stains out of white leather?

I can't help but think to myself as we sit in David's Tesla. David seems like such a nice kid it almost makes me want to NOT kill him.

"We're here," David says as we pull up to the coffee shop. If I have to be honest, I don't even like coffee. But this boy interests me so much that I couldn't say no.

As we walk into the small family owned coffee shop, we're hit with the immediate smell of coffee. I look over to David who's making a weird face.

"What you don't like the smell of coffee?" I say joking around.

"Actually can I confess something?" I look at him with confusion. "I don't actually like coffee all that much, it gives me headaches. I just didn't think you'd say yes when I suggested it." His cheeks turn pink as you can tell he's clearly embarassed.

I let out a sigh of relief, "thank god you said something because I don't like it either." We both laugh as we realize how childish this situation is.

"Well I do like pizza, and if you tell me you don't, I'm going to have to really rethink this whole date," he smiles at me and I smile back.

"Well lucky for you, I'm your typical pizza lover, now let's get out of here, the smell of coffee is a little too strong for me and if I have to keep smelling it , I'm going to murder someone." He laughs at my joke and we head back to his Tesla and to the local pizzeria.

The night was going pretty well, we ate pizza and he told me about his childhood. He then told me about his roomate Alex and his love for his bunny. Then he asked me about my job.

"So what do you do for a living?" I laugh at his face that's stuffed with pizza as he talked. We had gotten so comfortable with each other in just a matter of hours.

"Well, I'm a youtuber," I say a bit embarrassed, 'youtuber' always seemed like such a stupid job to people, nonetheless it made me happy. I continued, "I have a pretty big following but it's nothing special. It makes me happy though, I'm able to turn on that camera and be myself for millions of people to see and I get paid for it."

He smiled and said, "that sounds like such an amazing job, you get to be yourself, make people laugh, and gain the support of thousands just by simply being yourself. I wish I had that job, honestly. I'm working in a car shop right now and it's not something I wanted to do. Ever since I moved out to LA, I've had to make ends meet somehow."

I can see the lack of excitement in his voice as he talked, "Well it doesn't have to be like that, you're pretty funny I can see people liking you in no time. Maybe you can try vlogging out."

"I guess you're right." He says as he stuff the last piece of pizza in his mouth. I giggle at how much of a fool he looks.

After a bit more giggling and joking around, we leave the resturaunt and drive to my place. We plop ourselves onto the couch and turn on a movie. Halfway through the movie David gets up from the couch.

"Hey I'm going to use the bathroom is that okay?" I say yes and point him to the restroom. I begin to remember if there were any leftover traces of last night's murder but I'm almost confident that I cleaned everything and the bathroom was spotless.

A minute goes by until I hear David yell out from the bathroom:

"Liza... what's this?"


Wow we love cliffhangers. I feel like this is just a filler chapter but oooo i have a good plot twist coming up so just hang on ;) So here's another update, I LOVE reading your guys' comments on the last chapter. Thanks for the support guys.

For those of you that are new let me introduce myself a bit:

My names Celeste, I just turned 17, I absolutely love David and Liza and I live in LA.

Feel free to DM me for anything related to the story or if you're just looking for a new friend lol.

Oh and heres a shameless little plug:

Instagram: @/davidkoshysnaps
Twitter: @/DIZAppointments

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