Chapter 6

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I stared at Ashton who I could tell was confused and seemed a little hurt?

I took a deep breath and began.

"Will you just let me tell you everything all at once without interrupting... Then you can ask questions?" I asked.

Ashton just nodded his head.

"Alright so Michael and I broke up 2 weeks ago. He uh-um did something awful and I just don't really want to talk about it," I cringed just thinking of the memory. 

I continued," Michael was and is still crazy about me. He keeps wanting to work things out, but I don't. He wants to talk and I told him I would... So he came here and yeah," I explained awkwardly.

"How'd he get in?" Ashton asked twiddling his thumbs.

"This was our apartment... Until I kicked him out," I said looking at the carpet.

It hurt like hell to revisit the memories from just 2 weeks ago.

All Ashton said was "oh"

" I'm really really sorry this happened... I-I thought he would wait a while until he actually came back here," I choked.

Tears were starting to form and trickle down from my eyes.

I tried to push them away before Ashton noticed, but I failed. He turned to me and scooted closer.

"I'm sorry," he said his eyes glossy too. He wrapped his arms around me in a warm embrace. I welcomed his hug and burrowed my face into his chest. I only let a few tears slip until I pulled away.

"I-I need to go talk to Michael," I whispered unsure of myself.

Once again Ashton nodded in response.

I leaned in a gave him a small kiss. I pulled away so our lips weren't touching and I stayed there wanting to remember the feeling. Ashton smiled slightly and leaned in for another quick kiss. I gave him a peck on the lips and walked out of the door into the hallway where I saw and outraged Michael.

He heard me coming and whipped around to face me.

"What the actual fuck? Mabyn you said we were going to talk about it!" Michael yelled.

"I said we could talk about it," I stated blankly, crossing my arms.

"Well I thought that might have been a good sign so you know what the fuck I did?" Michael shouted.

"I know exactly what the fuck you did. You fucking broke into my apartment," I said trying to stay calm.

"No I came home. I used my key, to get into my apartment. And when I came home I didn't really think that some prick would be sucking on my girlfriend!" Michael screamed. His face was burning red.

"I AM NOT NOR WILL I EVER AGAIN BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND,"  I roared. I was furious my blood was boiling.

"Second I am not your property. How dare you say that you disrespectful asshole! I can be with whoever I want, when and where ever I want. So don't think you have any fucking control on me," I fumed.

My hands were tightened into fists and I was making my way towards Michael.

"Listen Mabyn, please can we just talk and work things out?" Michael pleaded.

"You fucking taped us having sex and fucking showed it to every single one of your fucking friends! Michael don't even think  you have a chance with me again! We're done! I never want to see your fucking face again!" I screamed and stormed back to my apartment.

I heard Michael close behind me and when I tried to shut the door he pushed harder than I and barged in.

"Just leave me the fuck alone!" I shrieked.

"Mabyn please we can talk about it. I understand you're upset now but once things cool down we can talk. Please just listen to me!" Michael begged. He started to approach me.

"Upset? You think I'm upset? I'm fucking outraged! I'm hurt, injured, and alone! You shattered my heart into a million pieces. My trust is broken. And you can't fix any of it! I don't want you to if you could! I fucking hate you! I hate every single last shitty piece of you! So please just leave!" I cried. 

Tears had already stained my face and more were coming like the waves out at sea.

Michael was speechless. He choked on his tears.

"Fine!" he yelled and left slamming the door hopefully for the last time.

I ran into the bedroom to find Ashton still on the bed. He stood up as soon as he saw me and I swear I saw that boy's heart break.

"Come here," he whispered with outstretched arms.

I walked over to him and wrapped my small arms around his muscular figure. Ashton moved us over to the bed and sat down. I curled my self into a ball on his lap as his arms enveloped me. I cried and cried and cried as Ashton sat there stroking my head and telling me that everything was going to be alright.

I cried writing this:( Don't think I hate Michael.... I love him so much ahhh that's why this is so sad for me. Anyways it's finally getting good;)

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