Chapter 1: The Girl Next Door

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May 23, 1985. Boston Laboratory

A group of girls, all shoulder-length hair ran through a long, white hallway. Lights behind them flickered, gunshots rang through the air. 003, 005, and 007 ran past other hallways, until they saw one with flashes of lights.

003 looked down the hall, hesitantly, and saw someone she used to see in the mirror. The girl holding the gun, looked like a less-scarred 003. She looked back, and kept running. The girl 003 recognized, looked back.

"Run Erin, run!" She screamed.

003 ran faster then the other girls, running into a darker skinned girl with 008 on her arm.

June 12, 1985. Hawkins, Indiana.

Mike! Your friends are here!" Karen Wheeler yelled at her son, who was in the basement with his girlfriend.

"Thank you Mrs. Wheeler for having us." Lucas smiled.

"Of course, you four can come over whenever you'd like," Karen smiled. "Oh Maxine, how is your brother?"

"I hate him." Max smiled, and Karen seemed disturbed.

The four raced downstairs, Max immediately hugged Eleven.

"Welcome back El, how was your trip with Hopper?" Max pulled away, smiling.

"It was," El exchanged looks with Mike, searching for the right word. "Fun!"

"That's awesome! Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, and I only went swimming basically all month long, sometimes we would jump on Will's new trampoline that you have to try!" Max exclaimed, smiling with her best friend.

The two continued talking, while the boys turned to each other.

"Did you see the moving truck?" Dustin immediately asked.

"No Dustin, I didn't see it." Mike said, sarcastically.

"I heard she's from Russia." Lucas nodded.

"Where'd you hear that from? Murray Bauman?" Will joked.

"You know that dudes insane, right?" Dustin snickered.

"Like El is from Russia, she's not some crazy Russian experiment!" Will laughed, and Mike seemed crazy uncomfortable.

"Don't say those types of things." Mike snapped.

"Mike you know he didn't mean it-" Lucas's smile faded.

"So what! It wasn't funny, okay? Now let's drop it." Mike shouted.

"El and I are going to go say hi to the new girl, then we should go to the pool later." Max smiled, turning towards the boys.

"I'll come too!" Dustin smiled.

"Me too." Will smiled.

"I guess I'm coming." Lucas smiled, before all of them raced upstairs, leaving El and Mike.

"Mike." El smiled.

"I'm okay El, let's go." Mike smiled, leading his girlfriend up the stairs.

The two walked to the door, following their friends. Mike was halfway through the door when his mom stopped him.

"I invited the new neighbors over for dinner tonight, and of course Jane is invited." Karen smiled.

"Okay mom, can I go now?" Mike begged, Karen rolled her eyes and El giggled. The two were out the door.

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