"Shouldn't we go home?" Will asked.
"You guys go ahead, I'm gonna go home." Erin swung her leg around her bike.
"I'll come with you." Dustin pleaded, Erin nodded.
"Sneak back in the window when you're done," Erin paused, and looked at Will, reading his mind. Fuck I don't want to do this. I just wanna go home and have a sleepover with Mike. Oh and Dustin and Lucas. "Will you can come too." Will smiled.
"Thanks." He stated, swinging his legs around.
"We can go to the store and grab some snacks. We can split it even so you guys have half, and we have the other." Erin smiled.
"Where do we meet?" Max asked.
"Outside of my house," Erin said, and the sirens filled the air. The ambulance sped past them, making their wait to Mike and Erin's street. "Fuck."
Mike and Erin started paddling after the ambulance, the rest hesitantly followed behind.
Erin and Mike stopped in front of the ambulance, fire truck, and police car outside of Erin's home. Erin threw her bike down and ran under the police tape, policemen asked her to step away.
"What the hell happened to my parents?" Erin looked up at Hopper, and Hopper hesitated. "HEY! What the hell happened?"
"Uh Erin do you have any family you can stay with?" Hopper asked hesitantly.
"I uh- uh-"Erin looked around at the crime scene. "Boston. My aunt lives there."
"Hey chief, who's Brenner?" One of the police officers stepped back, and showed an ID tag.
"He kidnapped my sister and I." Erin spoke up for the chief, Hopper looked back at her.
"Where's your sister?" Hopper asked.
"He still should have her, unless she escaped." Erin shrugged.
"Why aren't you still there?" Hopper asked.
"Like I said, my aunt lives there. Plus my parents want me to have a normal life." Erin explained.
"So much for normal." Hopper stated, before walking away.
"Are you moving to Boston?" Dustin asked.
"Yes Dustin, I totally am," Erin said, sarcastically. "No, I don't have an aunt in Boston. I just need a way to get there. And then I'll say my aunt kicked me out."
"I could convince Hopper to let you stay with us tonight." Eleven stepped forward.
"Thank you." Erin smiled.
"And I'll come with you to Boston. You're gonna need some company." Max joined Eleven.
"Max no-" Erin said.
"My parents are leaving town this weekend and like my brother cares." Max interrupted.
"Alright," Erin turned to the rest of the group. "Anyone else up for an adventure?"
Before anyone else could say anything, Hopper approached.
"Erin, you're gonna stay with Jane and I tonight. Then I'm going to drive you down to Boston." Hopper explained.
"Max also wants to come with me, at least to say goodbye." Erin nodded.
"Okay, well lets get you kids home," Hopper turned towards Will. "I'm sure Joyce is worried." Will nodded.
Hopper opened up the back of his truck, and the boys (besides Mike) and Max all piled in, Erin started climbing in.
"You can come up front with Jane and I. We have room." Hopper stopped her, Erin nodded.
Hopper climbed into the front, El climbed in the middle, and Erin climbed in the side. The drive was quiet, and awkward. As soon as everyone was dropped off, it was even more awkward. They sat in silence, making small talk.
"Stab wounds?" Erin asked, randomly.
"Gun wounds." Hopper sighed.
"What are we talking about?" El asked, confused.
"How my parents died." Erin answered.
Hopper pulled up to the house, trees surrounding the cabin. The air was chilly, wind blew through the trees as Erin looked around. Erin sighed, taking a breath of the summer air. She looked around, seeing nothing but trees.
"You okay?" Hopper asked, while El walked into the cabin.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Erin nodded before following El.
The cabin was small, there was a couch, two rooms and no hallways, the smallest kitchen Erin had ever seen.
"Where will I be sleeping?" Erin asked, stepping in farther.
"There's two beds in El's room, you can sleep there," Hopper smiled, Erin nodded. "You kids want anything to eat?"
El and Erin shook their heads.
Time passed by of El showing Erin how the TV worked. After awhile. the two went to bed. El rolled over facing away from Erin, while Erin looked at the ceiling.
"Hey El?" Erin asked.
"Are you gonna come with us to Boston?" Erin asked.
"What was your time with Kali?"
"We-" Flashbacks came to El. "Hurt. Others."
"Like how?"
"The Kali I knew saved me from them."
"The bad men?"
"The bad men."
"You have had other visions, haven't you?"
"Yes," Erin paused. "I had one the night we drove down here."
"What did you see?"
"Brenner. Shocking my sister, putting stuff through her veins. Her scream."
"Why didn't you go back?"
"I don't know. I couldn't even think it was true," Erin felt a tear slide off her face."We have to save her," Erin paused again. "We have to save my sister."
"What's her name?"
"Cassidy." Erin paused. "Cassidy Johnson."
"Alright," Hopper slid the bag into the back of his truck. "We get Max. Erin and Max ride in the back, and then we get you to your aunts."
"One problem," Erin paused. "My aunt might be dead."
"How do you know?" Hopper asked.
"I don't but uh considering that my parents are dead, she could be dead." Erin explained.
"Got any other family?" Hopper questioned.
"My sister Cassidy. But she was kidnapped in Boston." Erin answered.
"Alright well lets go save your sister," Hopper sighed. "And then we come back. You and your sister can live with us until a family member shows up."
Erin smiled, and climbed into the back. Hopper and Eleven piled into the front, shutting the doors. The engine turned on, and Hopper backed out. The drive was silent, and quick. The back door opened, Max climbed in.
"Hey." Max said."Hey." Erin criss-crossed her legs.
"I brought the bat," Max paused. "The one with nails."
"Lets get ready to kick some ass."

003 ➳ stranger things [1]
Fanfictionthe adventure continues. Book 1 of The Twins series. Book 2: Afterlife Book 3: The Trials