Kali sighed, stepping onto the bus. After waiting, she realized that Hopper and Erin weren't ever coming, she was aggravated.
The way home was long, especially on the bus. Eventually, she made it outside of the woods, walking along the road. It was night, around nine-thirty. Branches cracked as Kali passed through the woods. There were some weird noises, but Kali have heard weirder.
Kali safely made it to the cabin, recognizing it from the picture El sent to her. She knocked on the door, the door suddenly opened with the red-head standing there.
"Kali?" El asked, walking up to the door.
"Hey. I thought Erin was coming." Kali shrugged.
"She's not with you?" Max asked, nervous.
"No, she never showed up." Kali stepped in, looking at everyone.
"Shit." Dustin breathlessly stated.
Hopper woke up suddenly after a nightmare, soon realizing that the nightmare was true. Erin and him were captured, and taken to the lab. He wondered where Erin was, because she was not with him anymore. He sighed, getting off the bed.
Around him, was an empty white room. He was in a hospital gown, with one window. The side wall was the only window, and it was barely even a wall. He walked up, looking out of the window.
Outside, was a large land of green, that lead to the woods. There was the parking lot that they were in a couple days ago, but now there were not only guards at the gate, but in front of the building too. Apparently, they upgraded their security. The door opened, and Dr. Owens came in, smiling politely.
"Where's Erin?" Hopper asked, realizing that only a couple of days of knowing her, she felt like a daughter to him.
"Erin just woke up, and is fine." Dr. Owens explained.
"Why am I here?" Hopper asked, stepping forward.
"We need Erin. You were just the add on." Dr. Owens answered.
"Why do you need Erin?" Hopper asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Her and Eleven would be an unstoppable team. Both taken out of the womb, both born with powers." Dr. Owens shrugged.
"What do you mean taken out of the womb?" Hopper asked.
"Oh, Cassidy and Erin are adopted."
Erin kicked the door, out of anger. Seven stood back, staring at her.
"You know that's not gonna work." Seven paused.
"Yeah well maybe it would work if you actually helped. Part of me thinks you don't even want to get out of here." Erin snapped at her.
"Well it is a very nice here." Seven sat on her bed. Erin paused, sighed out of frustration, and sat across from her.
"What if I jump out the window." Erin asked.
"Don't do that unless you want to die." Seven sighed.
"Better then being here." Erin rolled her eyes.
"Really? You have the chance to be loved, Erin, and you'd rather die? Maybe you're the bad one. Dr. Brenner just wants to save humanity, and you've been saved." Seven nodded.
Erin felt outraged. She tried reading Seven's head, but instead started melting her brain cells. Seven started bleeding out of her eyes, and screamed, grabbing her head. She fell to the ground, lifeless. Erin stood back, with no emotion shown on her face.
"Bitch." Erin said with a stone cold face.
Erin focused on the doorknob, the doorknob flying off and breaking the window, which was across from it.
"Okay so maybe I don't have total control of my powers." Erin shrugged.
The door popped open, revealing a white hallway that brought back memories. She pushed through the flashbacks, walking outside. Outside was doors along the hallway, Erin assuming other numbers were there.
"What do you mean they were adopted?" Hopper asked, stepping forward.
"Erin was taken out of the utero, had something wrong and couldn't be birthed without dying. A month later, Cassidy was born. It killed the mother, and the father killed himself. The girls were later adopted." Dr. Owens explained, shrugging.
"How was Erin born with powers?" Hopper asked.
"No one knows. Eleven's mom was injected with LSD, but Erin's mother had a perfect medical record." Dr. Owens answered.
"Why are you doing all this?" Hopper continued questioning.
"We need Erin and Eleven to save the world," Dr. Owens paused. "The upside down is raided with tons and tons of monsters, and only Erin and Eleven can stop them all."
"What about Cassidy? Kali?"
"Add ons. They aren't needed."
"What will happen after?"
"After they destroy all of the monsters, Erin and Eleven," He paused. "They will most likely be dead."
"How do we get to Boston in just an hour?" Max asked.
"We could fly." Kali suggested.
"You guys go, I'll stay back and babysit." Steve explained.
"Babysit? I'm fourteen!" Max argued.
"Max should come. She's a strong fighter." Nancy smiled.
"And we'll definitely need El and Cassidy's powers." Jonathan added on.
"How much would this cost?" Joyce crossed her arms.
"Roughly twenty thousand," Cassidy sighed "And that's saying only the five of us go."
"Okay, and then Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve can stay back." Kali nodded.
"Okay, we should probably go as soon as we can." Max stated.

003 ➳ stranger things [1]
Fanfictionthe adventure continues. Book 1 of The Twins series. Book 2: Afterlife Book 3: The Trials