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I stared at my reflection in the full length, dark-wood rimmed mirror, feeling disgusted. My thick, blond hair was no longer in its usual ponytail but at my sides, reaching to just above my waist. My mom refuses to let me cut the blond locks despite my wishes. I'm like her substitute daughter. She never wanted me. No. She wanted a daughter named Naruko. I'm basically the illegitimate child. My brother hates me, as does my father and mother. That's why their last name is Namikaze and mine is Uzumaki.

I heaved a sigh before pulling it back into it's usually ponytail. I glanced around my room before walking to my nightstand and picking up my phone. I scrolled through my contacts at least twice before deciding on Sasuke. I sent him a quick text.

Naruto: Yo. U busy this weekend? [21:23]

Sasuke: Not really, you wanna come over? [21:25]

Naruto: If possible [21:26]

Sasuke: No problem, I'm going to Choji's later though [21:27]

Sasuke: but show up whenever, you know the drill [21:27]

Naruto: Yep yep be there l8r ;3 [21:28]

Sasuke: See you then [21:29]

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