Chapter 1

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Chapter Juan

it had been months without food. the only water she was drinking was straight out the gutters on the sidewalk. she had walked so long she had wore holes in her crocs. she was skinnier than a gas. she thought she couldn't make it anymore. she closed her eyes before collapsing onto the floor.

but as her eyes closed and the day ended. Raini Rodriguez's life was only just beginning...

"w-where am i?" Raini asked herself as she rubbed her sleepy eyes.

the walls of the house she was in were polished and the floor was made out of marble. Raini pinched her arm to see if she was dreaming. Surely she must be dreaming. She was sat in a mansion for christs sake. But as she pinched her skinny bicep the pain stayed... this was real.

Raini tried to stand up but she was too weak and collapsed onto the floor. The noise of her colliding with the ground trembled throughout the mansion. waking up it's owners.

Raini could hear footsteps from upstairs and immediately got scared.

"what if i sleep walked here?"

"what if i'm not welcome?"

"what if they are angry?"

Raini tried to pull herself across the floor but she was too weak. The 'clip-clopping' of heels could be heard as somebody walked down the stairs.

Raini flinched and prepared for the worse as the steps got nearer. And then, she heard a voice...

"is-is that a chicken?" it said.

Raini snapped her neck around to take a look at the speaker. she had long black hair, lips the size of her face and a highlight brighter than my future.

she spoke once more. "is that a little pig?" she asked.

oh hell no

"excuse me miss who the fuck do you think you are calling a pig" Raini snapped.

"do you know who I am?" she shouted, infuriated at the situation.

the woman just shook her head.

"I am Raini Rodriguez, actress, director, author, dancer, magician and singer of songs such as 'quinceañera' and 'i'm so much better than you' ".

pieces seemed to be getting together in the womans head as Raini continued to boast about her past life.

"ended beyoncé's career in a single second, made donald trump deport himself, out highnoted lati k, the list goes on"

"HOLY SHIT" said the woman suddenly before breaking into song.

"I'm so much better than youuuuu,
i'm a ten, you're a twooooo,
i'm a queen, you're a fool,
i'm a throne, you're a stool,
you'll never beee this cooooool, noo"

"KIM! KIM! COME DOWN ITS RAINI RODRIGUEZ" the woman screeched.

"tell her to go back to her country" another woman, Kim apparently, mumbled from upstairs. she sounded half asleep.

"no silly! RAINI RODRIGUEZ! the quinceañera girl that destroyed nicki minaj's entire career with one verse" the woman shouted.

"NO WAY!" Kim screeched. Then she burst into tears as she moved around upstairs, trying to look as presentable as possible for Raini.

Her sobs echoed around the house until another voice pitched in. "Kim, there are people that are dying" it said.

Kim replied, "kindly shut the fuck up Kourtney, this is pop girly Raini Rodriguez we are talking about"

These hysterics happened for another 10 minutes or so as more ladies upstairs overheard and joined in the collaborative fangirling. Eventually, 5 girls walked down the stairs, all with their hair and makeup perfect and the freshest clothes on the market on.

When they reached Raini, who was curled up on the floor literally about to die, they lined up and introduced themselves.

"Hi i'm Kourtney, mum of 27, i'm a big fan of you"

"Hi, i'm Kim, the famous one"

"I'm Khloe. I loved you on that show, Autism and Aleaf"

"Hello there I am Miss Keisha"

the last person looked oddly familiar.
"Has anyone ever told you you look like Beyoncé?" asked Raini

"No, they usually tell me I look like Shalissa" she replied.

"Who's that?" asked Raini.

"Me bitch" said Shalissa.

Awkwardly, Raini turned to face the first woman she met.

"and i'm Kylie Jenner, buy my lipkits now at New exclusive festive shades of "christmas cum" and "baby jesus" available everywhere for just $18.99"

Overwhelmed by all this new information, Raini felt the room spinning.

"need... help..." she stuttered out before collapsing once again and falling into a deep slumber.

Omg i'm crying so emotional. This is my first ever book I an writing so please send me love pls and thanks.

stay skinny - M.

Raini Rodriguez: quinceañera queenWhere stories live. Discover now