Chapter 36

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“Nice to have you back. For the love of God, though, pick the dogs up. I really can’t be arsed to mop the house in a Sunday night.”
I took a deep breath in as the warmth of the house hit me – my damp clothes had made me shiver all the way back, even with Leon’s arms around me – and I couldn’t wait to go change and take a shower. Oh, well, won’t hurt  to take these guys upstairs at the same time.

“Yeah, alright, Mam, I’ve got them. Coming upstairs, Leon? I could do with a wash myself.” I said, walking up the stairs, a puppy under each arm.
“Yeah, you guys look like you need it,” she said, chuckling. “No messing about now, alright? You have to be up early for school. Also, I got a ring from one of the places Prisha wants to show you, Leon. It’s an old married couple, and they seem really nice.”
“Alright, Miss Thompson,” Leon shouted from halfway up the stairs. “Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome, love. I’m glad somewhere’s turned up.”

I dropped both the puppies in the bathroom, and started running the hot water, knowing it would take a minute or two to warm up. I went into my bedroom, and started to strip, until Leon placed himself on my bed.
“Uh, hey,” I said, nervously. “I was just, going to, uh, change, and clean the dogs up in the bath, and then probably go for a shower myself.”
“That is cool,” he said. “Do you want me to leave the room?”
“Um, I don’t know,” I chuckled. “I guess you can.”
“Only if it something you want.” He said.
“I mean... as long as you’re comfortable seeing a gross, fat guy naked, sure.”
“But I will not see that person,” he tilted his head to the side. “I will see you.”
I put my head in my hands. “You’re so cheesy, Jesus.” I looked up at him through the gaps between my fingers, and he just smiled back, holding out his hand.
I laced my fingers in his, while I felt his other hand touch my waist, underneath my t-shirt. He tugged the hem of it, gently, and looked up at me, his dark eyes wide. I nodded, and bent over towards him, a little, as his fingers traced up his back, and then took my top off in one tug.

I straightened back up, stretching my back, and he pressed the side of his face against my stomach, his hair tickling my chest. I played with it with my fingers, gently, curling them around the thick, dark strands and combing it through with my whole hand. I felt it move, a little, and then warmth, and a little bit of wetness, and a hell of a feeling of an electric shock, and I realised it was his mouth. It moved lower, each time, but only a little, and just as I felt him tugging on my shorts in the same way as he had with my top, a silent nudge for permission, it-

“Woah, woah! Am I going to make you guys a ‘Do not disturb’ sign or what?”

I spun around, looking at Milly, as she leant against the door frame. “No, it wasn’t... we weren’t... we were just changing, since we ended up going into the sea, and-“
“There’s literally lipstick all over both of your faces,” she said, unimpressed, her eyebrows raised. “And on your belly, now.”
“Oh, um, yeah, I, uh, I forgot about that...” I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I hoped she couldn’t see anything through my shorts. Lock. Your. Door. Cal. For. Fuck’s. Sake. “Sorry, Mills.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, just try and keep the fucking until after I go to sleep, please? Oh, and by the way, he’s technically an adult now, so what you’re doing is doubly illegal. Most of my friends shoplift and get off their faces, usually at the same time, so I couldn’t really care less, but it’s another reason to shut your mouths about it, alright?” I nodded. “By the way, Leon, you looked amazing in the shit we bought you. Out of all the feelings I expected to feel when I first met you, body envy was not one of them. Don’t let him ruin your clothes too much, alright?”
He smiled. “Thank you very much, Milly. I am grateful for you to buy them for me.”
“Don’t worry about it. Just clean up the dogs, they’re going mental in the bathroom, and then sort yourselves out.” She said, her voice trailing off as she walked back down the corridor. “And also,” she shouted. “It is my turn to do the laundry so do not! Get jizz! On your fucking sheets Cal! I don’t want to have to deal with that again!”

I could feel myself still burning up as it turned to silence in the room. “We should... go sort out the pups, right?”
He looked up at me, grinning. “Again?”
My eyes shot away, trying not to smile despite how embarrassed I was. “Shut up, it was just,” I scratched the back of my head. “It was my first time doing it, okay, I was like, thirteen.”
“Was your... uh... picture, a man or a woman?”
“I don’t remember,” I said. “Both... I think.”
He nodded, his head against my stomach again, and then slapped my leg, gently, getting up to face me. “We need to help the dogs. Let us go now.”
“Alright, but just... one more kiss?” I asked. He raised his eyebrows. “I mean, it’s not like we’ll get any dirtier.”
He grinned, pressing himself against me. “I want to be a lot more dirty with you, Callum.” He kissed me, softly, once on my lips, and another on my cheek, letting it linger, the tip of his tongue making a small circle on my cheekbone. “But it is not the right time for that, now, yet.”

Leon, Leon (BoyxNB romance) Where stories live. Discover now