The Cousin

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"Woah.." you gasped as you stepped out of the taxi you, Bin, Dongmin, and Minhyuk had taken when you got to the airport, not bothering to eat. You looked up at your new home.

It was a maroon house with at least two stories worth of space.

Minhyuk wrapped his arm around your shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. "Well? What do you think?" He asked.

You spun around, clinging onto him and kissing his forehead. "How the hell did you afford this place?" You asked and saw Bin, out of the corner of your eye, staring at you.

Minhyuk pretended to flip a pancake. "I got money from that restaurant I worked in!" He said excitedly.

Dongmin tapped on his friend's shoulder. "Hey, uh, where's San Ha, Jinwoo, and Myungjun?"

The flirts, you thought to yourself, softly giggling.

Bin squinted his eyes and pointed to an incoming taxi. "I-I think that's them."

"That can't be them. They rented a car." Dongmin said.

Minhyuk then dropped his gaze to something in the street, nudging the other two to look at it.

Dongmin and Minhyuk's mouths were gaping open while Bin was either containing his laughter or about to explode. "What are you guys staring at?" Minhyuk turned your head so you could see what was so amazing.

"Oh my god..." You gasped under your breath.

Your ears picked up the sound of Justin Timberlake's Sexyback as a noir roofless car pulled up to your new home. Myungjun was driving, his hair going along in the soft breeze.

Jinwoo and Sanha were wearing what seemed leather jackets and sitting on the top of the car seat, throwing their heads back.

And, of course, the thing you'd notice more would have to be the countless women trailing after them.

"What the actual fuck is this.." Dongmin sighed, seeming to question life at the moment.

Minhyuk, however, waltzed over. Running a hand through his hair, he called out to the three men. "What are you guys doing?!" He yelled over the loud music.

San Ha smiled proudly, causing a few girls to squeal. He jumped out of the car unhesitantly. "We were just riding around like this and the next thing I knew, about 7 different girls were following us!"

Bin sighed sadly and placed a hand on the not much younger San Ha. "You're too innocent."

You laughed and looked over at Dongmin, expecting him to say something.

"I-I think that's more than seven.." he chuckled.

The sun gleamed off of his face, making him look even more like a visual than he already was.

One Of the "fans" pointed at your attractive friend, and strutted her way over.

"I'm ChinSun." She said in what sounded like an overly exaggerated seductive voice.

Dongmin looked at you, stuttering over his words. "Hi.." he said slowly, as if he were speaking to an alien.

ChinSun got closer to him, trying to shove her body against his. Dongmin looked extremely uncomfortable.

He hasn't been in a relationship since he's been with Nina.. You thought, feeling bad for him.

"Ok, miss Buttchin. Could you please get away from my friend now? He doesn't like strangers." You said, getting in the middle of him and this blonde stereotype.

ChinSun, or Buttchin as you prefered, scoffed. "Well what are you? A potato? Now that i say it, your skin condition does make you look like a potato!" She giggled overdramatically.

You flushed red, trying to hide it.

That's when Dongmin stepped in front of you, defending you from this bully.

"Just go away and leave her alone! I'm not interested in you, and nor will I ever be! Besides, she's my friend and way more beautiful than you'll ever be." He said, getting in ChinSun's face.

ChinSun looked unaffected by his words, but you could see it in her eyes that she was internally screaming. Her gray eyes glared at you, piercing through your skin.

Bin and Minhyuk stepped in. "What's happening?" Bin asked.

Dongmin said nothing, holding onto your hand. "ChinSun, leave."

Buttchin stayed there, crossing her arms and smirking. She looked over at Minhyuk and winked at him.

The light brown haired 20 year old immediately yelled. "Didn't you hear Dongmin?! He's saying to move your ass along!" Minhyuk was chasing her away.

ChinSun was laughing as Minhyuk was doing so, making you feel a pit of rage boil up.

San Ha groaned as he approached you, his light orange cap slightly tilted to the left. "God, I hate ChinSun."

"Wait, how do you know that little bitch?!" You asked too loudly.

San Ha looked at you confused. "I thought you knew. ChinSun is my cousin!"

Dongmin put his head in his hands. "You mean we have to deal with her?!"

San Ha nodded sadly. "Yeah. Her dad basically owns this neighborhood. My uncle is the reason we're not living on the streets right now."

Bin, Dongmin, and you glared at Minhyuk. "I thought you rented the house!" You said.

He giggled nervously. "I did, really!"

Myungjun walked over to the interesting seeming conversation you all were currently having. "Guys, some grey eyed girl just yelled 'See you 7 at school on Monday'."

San Ha turned to the four of you, consisting of you, Bin, Dongmin, and Minhyuk, groaning. "Oh yeah, she goes to our school." San Ha added.

Myungjun shrugged. "She looks hot."

San Ha shoved him. "Dude, thats my cousin!"

Jinwoo approached the rest, seeing that the crowd of girls were gone with slips of paper that had Jinwoo's number.

You grabbed Minhyuk and your two suitcases, marching up the porch steps of your maroon house. "Woah, what's wrong?" He said, waving to the rest of his friends.

"I just want to go inside." You huffed, struggling to open the door.

When you finally did, you slapped on your best fake smile and waved goodbye to your friends. "See you guys tomorrow for the sleepover!" You said.

Stepping into the threshold of your house, you thought to yourself..

This is going to be a bad year

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