The Night We Met

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You locked yourself in your room after Camila ran out. You could only think of when her fingers crawled inside of you and how disgusting it felt.

More and more tears spilled onto your cheeks as you thought of that moment.

It didn't help that Sanha was banging on your door.

Dongmin and Myungjun immediately decided to leave you alone after you locked yourself in. Sanha, however, was a bit desperate to make you feel better.

"Y/N please come out! I don't know what happened but it'll be alright!"

You felt your anger seep through your voice as you spoke. "It won't be alright, you dumbass! The world isn't full of rainbows so just fuck off!"

Sanha stayed quiet. You heard sounds of footsteps fade away. The silence made you assume you had hit a nerve.

"No, Sanha I didn't meant to say that.."

You pulled at your hair, frustrated.

Why do I always push away the ones I love?!

You hugged your knees and lowered your head for a good 7 minutes.

Footsteps came back.

You looked under the door to see someone sitting down with their legs crossed. An 8 shaped figure was sitting on their leg.

Soft strums of a guitar filled your ears and you closed your eyes.

Two voices sang the intro to a song you found familiar.

"I am not the only traveler."

You recognized it. It was on the tip of your tongue but you couldn't name it.

"Who has not repaid his debt."

"I'd been searching for a trail to follow again."

"Take me back to the night we met."

You mouthed the words up until the chorus when you heard more voices sing.

"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you."

You stood, opened the door and sitting there was Dongmin, Myungjun, Minhyuk, Bin, and Sanha. His glossy eyes stared up at you.

They all stood. Sanha looked down, his guitar still in his hands.

"I'm sorry I'm so sensitive these days." You whimpered.

Sanha grasped onto you and clutched your waist.

"You're our best friend." He said softly.

"We'll always be there to help you feel better, Y/N." Minhyuk said.

"Ok but are we not going to talk about how great I sounded." Myungjun said.

You laughed and pulled him in for a hug. The rest of the boys joined in.

"Its getting really late." Dongmin said. "C'mon Binnie, let's go home."

Bin waves goodbye and follows Dongmin, right at his heels. As they slip out, you see Bin reach for Dongmin's hand.

Minhyuk pet your head. "I'll make you a sandwich if you'd like." He said, holding his elbow awkwardly.

You grinned and wiped your tear stained cheeks. "I'd like that very much."

Myungjun hugged you one more time. "I should head home. See you tomorrow for the sleepover."

"Oh!" You said as you realized tomorrow would be Friday. "Bye Myungjun!"

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