Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

I woke up to me and my mom bringing my School uniform. Then I got up and got ready.

 Then I got up and got ready

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Marinette outfit.

Then she went downstairs and eat breakfast. " Marinette you dad is going to take you to school he is waiting outside for you"

 " Okay mom I love you" 

" love you too" She got her stuff and her soccer bag and went out the door and into the limousine. 

" morning sweetheart you ready to go to school" 

" yes I am and I wanted to join the soccer team their" 

" Well tryouts are today and there is no girl on the team it's a boy sport" 

" that's ok"  they then arrived at the school then they both got out everyone stared at her and she goes to the principal's office and get her schedule and headed to her first class. 

she got to the class and knock on the door and the teacher open it " oh you must be the new student Marinette"

 " ok class today we have a new student please tell us a little about yourself"

 " Hi my name is Marinette and I am 17 and I love playing sports"

 " thank you Marinette can you please sit by Alya" she pointed to a girl with glasses. I walk over them and a blonde girl tries to trip me but I saw that comping so when she put her foot in front of me I did a front flip and landed in my seat and smirking. The teacher began the lesson. 

" Wow, how did you do that." 

" oh that, that's nothing really" 

" are you kidding me no one has done that ever in this class she gets what she wants all the time because her dad is the mayor of Paris" 

" and I did if a famous soccer player in all France" 

" Alya" 

" Marinette or Mari"




I was sitting in class with Nino and when there was a knock on the door and the door open revealing a girl with bluebell eyes and Night Skype hair, she looked cute. Then she came up to the front of the class " ok class today we have a new student please tell us little about yourself" " hi my name is Marinette I am 17 and I love sports"

 "thank you Marinette please sit next to Alya" then she was walking to her seat and Chloé put her foot in front of her so she can trip her and the class will laugh like always. Then that did not happen she saw it coming and did a front flip a freaking front flip and landed in her seat with no noise. Wow, that is impressive. 

" wow Dude did you see that, that had never happened ever I get we got a bad girl in the class" then the teacher stares the class. 

the bell to lunch rang as we ran out to the field to eat and practice  


" Hey Mari do you want to have lunch together"

 " no thanks I am fine," I said and then I got an apple out of my bag and went to the field I grab my hoodie and pulled it over my head when I grabbed a soccer ball out of my bag and started to do tricks I could do anything you said. 

But what she didn't now was that a group of boy were watching her.

" wow he is good" I whispered to Nino 

" we need him on our soccer team" then all of a sudden max sneezed and he noticed us watching him he stopped and grabbed the soccer ball and ran to the cafeteria 

" good job Max I hope he comes to tryouts today after school"


I can't believe that they saw me playing I hope the did not see who I was then the school bell rang and we got to class. The rest of the day went smooth and now it was last class P.E.

outfit phone and headphone in the bag

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outfit phone and headphone in the bag

P.E class-

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