chapter 4

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I then got Adrien phone and cliched end "what was that for," he asked 

"well I didn't want people knowing so yeah" 

"Well then would you like to good to the fair tomorrow " 

"yeah sure that would be lovely but don't expect fancy clothes got that?"

 "yeah I got that" then his mom came into the room 

"Hey Adrien how is your ankle doing is it better" 

"yes mom" 

"well then I would like to tell you that dinner is ready and to head down now," she said when we got down we saw Mr. Agrest at the table working on something then Mrs. Agrest came up and took his computer

 "hey I was working on something," he said 

"well not now you know the rules" she then walks behind Adrien and grabbed his phone 

"Hey," he said I bust out laughing and then she walked to me 

"phone pleases," she said 

"sorry don't have it left in it in the room" I said she didn't believe me at that point she is a mom after all but Adrien gave me away he reaches in to my back pocket and pulled out both of my phone's and handed it to her I put on my best pout face and Adrien leaned in and kissed my check 

"fine," I said 

"well now that we have that out of the way lets talk what you did in Seattle," she asked me 

"well I did model and I am a soccer player I won state champ and best soccer team in united state" 

"wait where did  you model and for who" 

"well I did for  Miraculous but I then found out when I came here that I did for my aunt  Tikki" 

"well that's nice," he said

 "so I was wondering why and what happened at the soccer field today?" asked Mrs. Agrest 

"well you see I have a tattoo on my lower back and my ex-boyfriend only knows about that and he is here and I guess what happened between us well when I was in Seattle my adopted parents were business people then were never their for me and they didn't come to my soccer games and if they did they would be calling or on their phone doing something and he was all ways there for me when I need him or a shoulder to cry on but he left me and never said a word never called or texted me so that's the end of that" I said Mrs. Agrest had tears in her eyes

 "Oh honey I bet it was hard for you to go through that for who knows how long," she said and walk over to me and gave me a big hug when we heard the doorbell Natalie said she would get it then-then I see my dad walks in with Natalie's eyes closed 

"can I look now," she said 

" yes" he said then she looks around and looks at him again 

"I don't get it why did you bring me here" 

"well little sis I got to tell you that you are an aunt" 

"what do you mean I am an aunt I thought your daughter was missing," she said 

"well after like forever we have found her and she is in front of you"

 "no that cannot be"

 "well believe it," he said and she ran to me and gave me a big hug After dinner we got to talk and my dad left and I walk into the room then Adrien throw something at me I got it 

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