Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for Marinette she woke up and got ready for school and headed out the door without saying goodbye to your parents, coming in late for class and listening to the lesson after school Marinette ran to the locker room to get ready for the tournament.

" Lila are you ready to kick the other team's butt?" she asked

" you know it Marinette" the team got ready and Marinette put her hair into a ponytail and they headed out to the field for warm-ups.

The other team arrived and got ready. Before the game started Marinette look to the stand and hoping that her parents were there but no she didn't see them but that didn't put her down, she wanted to make them Proud. the whistle blew and the game started

It was the last minute intel the game was over they were tied and if they don't make a goal in the next minute they are tied for the season Lila passed the ball to Marinette and she dribbled the ball to the goal but a boy kick it up in the air and She knew what she needed to do she jumped in the air and kicked the ball on to the net at the last 4 seconds and their team won they all cheered and placed Marinette in to there shoulder and chanted her name.

They all change and went home Marinette got home to find her parents in the office working like all the time but then her dad spotted her. " sweetie your mother and I have to talk to you this is very important" her mom said as they walk to the living room sitting down, they looked at each other and her mother nodded at her husbands.

" Marinette you are now 17 and you are a big girl I and your father want to tell you that you are adopted" Marinette was shocked of what she was hearing,

"WHAT" she shrieked

"Marinette don't yell at us and before you say anything Let's us explain to you where took from your parents when you were little and now they have found you and want you back you are leaving in an hour so go get your stuff it is already packed." right then Marinette runs to her room gathering her belongings and leaves the house and Tom drove her to the airport and leaves without saying goodbye. Marinette gets on the plane and is heading off to Paris the city of love.

When she arrived she gets out and see a guy holding a sign that said her name she walk up to him. "Excuse me are you Marinette by any chance"

" Yea I am are you here to take me to my parents?" she asked

" why, yes I am please follow me" They head out to the airport and Marinette see a limousine outside and gets in it. Marinette was so confused. thinking Are my real parents rich? That question can up in her head all most of the time when they reached the mention and then they enter and where greeted by a woman.

" Marinette! Hi I am Bridget but you can call me mom if you want to. How was the flight?" she asked

" it was okay" just then Felix entered the house.

"Oh hi Felix this is Marinette. Marinette this is your father Felix"

" it's nice to meet you da"

" Felix I told you not to wear cleats in the house"


" do you play soccer"

" Yeah is my favorite sport"

" I love playing soccer can we please go play some?"

" okay let's go to the soccer field"

" you have a soccer field that's cool" Marinette grabs her cleats and a soccer ball and runs to the backyard with her dad.

" okay do you want me to go easy on you"


"Okay then, but I got to tell you I am the famous soccer player in France"


"you don't know I am Felix Miraculous after all"

" cool now can we play"

"ok" they play soccer in tell dinner they get inside and eat they show her room and she unpacks and take a shower and goes to bed.

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