Chapter 3

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PE class


I was p.e and my dad was the teacher he said we can play volleyball or soccer all the girls went to play Volleyball and the boy went to the soccer and me well I was in the middle and my dad came up to me "so M what do you want to play"

"dad you know what I want to play," I smiled at him

"well then go on," he said

"Hey Adrien meet my daughter Marinette"a blond came up to me the one in class

"Hi my name is Adrien I am the captain for the soccer team"

" that cool, I go by M or Mari by the way"

"do you know how to play," he asks I was about to talk but my dad started talking

"well you see when Marinette here lived in the United States she was the best soccer player in Seattle before she came here"

" so you are the famous M Chang, I see you changed your last name," he said and after about 5 minutes we got to play soccer

"hey man you can't let a girl play soccer"

" and why is that," I said

"well you a girl, girls play Volleyball and all the girly spots"

" so you are saying that girls can't play soccer well guess what I played in Seattle and were the best so you better watch it or I will beat you ass" I walk up to him and he was a head teller but that didn't matter.


after we talk with her dad we got to the field and Nino came up to me "hey man you can't let a girl play soccer"

" and why is that," she said

"well girls play Volleyball and all the girly sports, " he said

" so you are saying that girls can't play soccer well guess what I played in Seattle and was the best so you better watch it or I will beat you ass," she said and walk up she is short but badass Nino got so scared that he back away

" that's what I thought," she said right than Kim interrupted

"well shortie what are you going to do about it I bet I can beat your little pretty ass," right then she jumped and tackled him to the floor she had him pinned down she leans down and whispers for all of us to hear

"I also am a boxer and I do gymnastics and I can fight" right then coach Felix came with Nath

" Mari get off him," he said well pulling her off of Kim

"wait in tell your mother hears about this, now who mad her mad?" he asks the team pointed to Nino and Kim

"okay I want Adrien, Kim, and Nino to be in the office after school," he said and let go, Mari,

"well go job boy you got her mad," I said

"well next time no one nows too tell me what I can't do," said Mari as we got to play soccer.

one week later in P.E class


I got Mari to play soccer with the boys without any mishaps after a few minutes Nathaniel came to me panting " what happened?" I asked

"you know the new girl what her name Marinette right well Nino and Kim are making her fun of her again and we need you now," he said

we started walking fast when I saw Mari tackled Kim to the ground again we then started running as fast as we can when we got their Adrien was trying to get them apart

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