last Chapter 6

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"why the hell did you not tell me?" she asked well running up to me

 "well I didn't want you to call me inside because I want to spend more time with my boyfriend"

 "okay now Adrien I got a call from your mother saying you can stay the night here and Natalie got your school stuff," she said  

"now  go inside go to your room and changed," she said and we ran 

"take off your cleats or I will tell your father" she yelled then my dad stood in front of the door we ran into him and we fell on our butts 

"tell your father what?" my father asked my mom came up 

"if your daughter does not take off her cleats in the house I can tell she is not on my side"

 "well I am not I have your looks and I got dads acts" I said running in the house with shoes on Adrien took off his then I hared mom yelling at dad for wearing them also in the house then I changed it to a crop top,short shorts and then Adrien put on sweats and a shirt then the made nocked at the door 

"come in" 

"Mari dinner is ready"

 "okay thanks, Anne," I said and was about to tie my hair but I didn't see my tie on my wrist 

"Adrien," I said and right then see him run out the door "Adrien come back here with that you now that I only have one and that I hate my hair down," I  yelling at him and run after him


We were laying on her bed when I slipped off her tie for her hair then someone nocked on the door 

"come in, " Mari said 

"Mari dinner is ready" 

"thanks, Anne," she said I then got up and walk to the door then when she went to grab her tire for her hair she looked at me and I ran 

"Adrien come back here with that you now that I only have one and that I hate my hair down" she  yelling at me well running after me she ran down the stairs and past her parents when Felix grabbed me my arm and  Brigette got Mari by the arm 

"what is going on first you didn't tell us that you are home now we hear yelling when we were at the table and now running you have a game tomorrow and it's the last you have to win and stop being 3-year-olds" 

"sorry mom but Adrien took my hair tie and he now that I hate my hair down" she pouted and crossed her arms after that long talk we got to bed.


"Adrien get up"

 "no, it's too early" 

"Adrien now breakfast is ready and we need to eat today is a half day at school we have that game in 4 hours and we need to eat," I said dragging him by his hand and up on his feet and we walk downstairs hand in hand 

"good morning honey I see Adrien is still asleep," she said I look over to see his head on the table 

"he is not a Morning person," I said 

after breakfast 

we got ready for the big game when we got there I had to be in the boys locker room sents the couch was there but I didn't care we all had shorts on but I had short shorts and we all put on shin grads and cleats and we got out to the field the other coach was shock to see there was a girl on the team we were fighting the akumas 

"wait a girl cannot play soccer she is a girl"

 "hey you cannot tell what my girlfriend can and cannot do only I can" Adrien yelled the crowd oh and awed at what Adrien said


"wait a girl cannot play soccer she is a girl" I got mad at that beause no one can talk to my girl like that 

"hey you cannot tell what my girlfriend can and cannot do only I can" I yelled mari then bushed right then out of now where the brat started yelling


"guys grab him," said the coach and I was almost about to beat the crap out of her when my team all jumped on me and hold me down 

"IF I CANNOT HAVE ADRIEN THEN SHE WILL DIE SO I CAN HAVE HIM" chole yelled and pulled out a gun and pointed it at Mari 

"NO" I yelled and got out from under them and I tackled Mari  before she got shot and then coach Felix got chole by her hand and pulled the gun away and then the cops came and took her away I then look at Mari "hi," I said 

"hi to you too you would have gotten hurt if she shot that gun sooner," she said and then kisses me I kissed back, then Mari dad and mom came running and also my parents 

"Adrien are you okay?" 

"Mari, you okay?" 

"we are fine Adrien saved me," she said 

then her mom came up to me and hugged me 

"thank you I don't know what I would do if I lost her again," she said crying me then my dad put a hand on my shoulder

 "son I am proud of you" 

"okay no back to the game" I said and we got to the game playing the last 5 mins of the game was about to end and the two teams were 30 to 30 we needed 32 to win and I did a kick shot and got point and now it was Marinettes shot  I snatched the ball from number 5 and kicked it in the air and I gave her a bust-up in to the air and she made a goal and the whistle blow that meant that the game was over I could see the other coach hawk moth pulling his hair out and yelling at the team because they win every year we always get 2nd but this year we got 1st the crowd cheered me and Nino grabbed Marinette and lifted her on to our shoulder the whole team chanted her name the out of no wear Kim  picked me up and Nino had Marinette and then after 2 min they put us down and I kisses her.

That's all for this book love you all for reading it I also have other books if you would like to look at them or read

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