Welcome to Inkwell Isle, Anastasia

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Cagney's POV:

I was trying to take a nap, but all I could think about was (Y/N). The girls said that a light blue ghost with a blind eye was the one who blinded (Y/N). Hmm... "BLIND SPECTER!...wait! Did I just...talk?" Oh no! I need to go find (Y/N) ASAP!

(Y/N)'s POV:

We were walking back to Cagney's garden. "Golly! I hope Cagney doesn't get mad at us for stealing Specter's voice!" Bonnie said. "Me too!" Chloe said. We made it to Cagney's garden...but he wasn't there...I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach and a liquid was coming out of my woman hood... oh no!...the baby's coming!

Cagney's POV:

I ran as fast as I could to the devils casino. I busted the doors open and saw the devil. "Hello there, Cagney!" "Where is (Y/N)?!" I yelled. "Cagney, calm down! (Y/N) is looking for you!" "She is?" "Yes!" "I gotta go!" I ran out of the devils casino and was running back to Isle 1. I heard a female screaming...'oh no!' I thought, I turned into my 3rd form (because he can get to his garden quicker with his 3rd form) I went into the ground and popped back up, but inside my garden. I saw (Y/N)...she was in labor... I quickly turned into my 2 form and ran up to her "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" I asked. "No! I'm giving birth!" "C'mon (Y/N)! Just one more big push!" Luna yelled. And a child popped out of (Y/N)'s woman hood. "It's a girl!" Luna said holding the baby in a pink blanket and handed the baby to (Y/N). "What should we name her...?" She looked at me. "I dunno...? Any ideas, girls?" They started thinking for a second and then Luna said "I got it! How about you name her Anastasia!" "Hey, not a bad idea, Luna!" (Y/N) said smiling. "It's settled then! Her name will be Anastasia!" I looked at Anastasia and she opened her eyes. "Hiya there! I'm your daddy!" I said and Anastasia giggled. "Aww how adorable!" Luna said. "...can I hold her...?" I asked. "Sure" then (Y/N) handed Anastasia to me. "aww she is so adorable!" 

(Ok Bye Bye Meow!)

Cagney Carnation x Sensitive!Mute!Reader ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now