Back to the school of hell

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Cagney's POV:

Me and (Y/N) woke up and she checked her phone time. "Oh no! 6:30 I'm gonna be late!" "Late? Late for what?" I asked confused, "I'm so sorry, Cagney. I have to go to school! Will you take care of Anastasia while I'm at school?" I smiled and nodded. "Sure thing! Anything for my (F/F)!" (Favorite Flower) "ok I got to go! Bye Cagney!"

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was running to school, I wasn't late tho. I just want to see my friends before I have to go to class. I arrived at school. I went to Akademi High. I walked in and went in the gym where we wait till we go to class. "Hiya guys! I waved. "Hiya, (Y/N)!" Me and my friends talked about what we did over spring break "what did you do, (Y/N)?" " see...I got a new boyfriend named Cagney Carnation, and me pregnant...and I already had the baby..." "You got to have sex?! Aww you're lucky!" Gideon said "wait! How the hell did you give birth to your child if you just had sex this week?" Lilli asked confused "...well...Cagney told me that flowers give birth to flower children way earlier then humans do to normal" I said. Then they all nodded. "So, what's her name?" Lilli asked. "Her name is Anastasia." "Aww!" All of them said. "Wait! Hold the fucking phone!...Does Cagney even have a...Thing...?" Spencer asked, I shrugged off and the bell rang. "Ugh!" I said. Now I have to go to art class. Well at least my best friend Gideon is in my art class with me. I walked into the classroom and Gideon was already wondering the classroom. He saw me and yelled "Hi, (Y/N)!" I waved and he dabbed. "I'm Pickle Rickkkkkkk!" " do realize that the dab is dead...right?" I said. "I know that the dab is dead! But I don't care! I still do it anyway, I'm the dank meme lord!" He yelled again. "Gideon! Sit down right now!"our art teacher Mrs. Foster yelled. He sat down and started to secretly go his phone. Then class started.


Cagney's POV:

I was watering my flowers while Anastasia played with her toys. I really missed (Y/N). She really meant the world to me. Only if there was a way to get (Y/N) out of school...wait! I got an idea! I think I know what school she goes to... I think it was...Akademi High?...I went in the direction that (Y/N) went to go to school. I made it to her school I saw (Y/N) talking to some of her friends.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"And that's what I did over my spring break," Rosemary said with a toothy grin.


I think I heard somebody go 'pst'

"Psst! (Y/N)!"

Ok, that time I heard it!

"Uhh...guys... I'm gonna go use the bathroom...i'll be right back..." everyone nodded their heads and I walked off to where the school doors were, I pretended to walk in, and then I ran to the gate and hopped over it and ran to where I heard somebody whispering my name. "...Hello?" I yelled, not too loud tho, I don't want my friends to here me. "Hello? Is there anyone there...?" I yelled again. I sighed, "Maybe I was just hearing things...?" I said to myself. I started walking away from the forest, but then suddenly, a green vine started wrapping around my leg...Cagney!... I turned around to see Cagney facing me, "Cagney, What are you doing here?" he smiled and said, "I came here to see you, I really missed you, (Y/N)!" "I miss you too, Cags. But I have to go to school, it's for my own good!" Cagney frowned and stared at the ground. "Hey, It's alright, Cags...Uhh...Cagney?" "Yes, dear?" "...Where is...Anastasia...?" "Oh, She's fine! Goopy Le Grande is taking care of her!" "Oh, Ok then... I have to go, Cagney, my friends are probably wondering where I am right now...But I love you! Bye!" I gave Cagney a quick kiss on the cheek and hopped the gate again, and thank goodness nobody saw me. I ran up to my friends and continued talking to them.

(Ok I'm done now! Bye Bye Meow)

Cagney Carnation x Sensitive!Mute!Reader ((Discontinued))Where stories live. Discover now