Chapter 2

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You and Saga awoke to the nagging beep of the alarm clock and both sighed in unison. You jumped out of bed quickly to get yourself going, kinda forcing yourself to be happy and energetic first thing in the morning, making sure that you smiled to create a positive start to the day.

You flipped on the coffee maker as a mean to get Sagabelle stirring, she always took a little longer to get out of bed but you found that coffee was the best trigger for her to get herself around. You got to the bathroom first and brushed your teeth, washed your face and put your (Y/H/C) hair into a standard professional bun. After that you put on your pants, boots and undershirt, you waited to put your jacket because you had learned the hard way that you didn't want to be fixing your coffee and then accidentally spill it on your uniform only to find out that it had been your only clean jacket, now if it was an under layer then that wouldn't be as bad, you had a plethora of them and they don't show once you put your blouse on and then your jacket over that.

Saga emerged out of the bathroom and joined you by a small counter where you had the coffee pot out along with two thermoses. Her Hair was sticking up in every which direction but she was dressed to the same extent as you and looked a little more awake when she started to pour her own coffee only putting sugar in and no creamer. You on the other hand had to have both creamer and sugar in yours, you didn't mind a little bitterness in coffee but you mainly drank it to give you a little caffeine buzz in the morning but you had to make it a little enjoyable.

You both finished mixing up your coffee and snapped the lids on top of the thermoses. Saga brushed her hair and you both got fully dressed also making sure that you both looked professional and presentable then you both made your way out the door, down the hallways and through the corridors to get to deck where you both worked. Saga went to the right to her usual spot and you headed to the left where the same brown haired man was sitting that had relieved you last night. He looked absolutely disheveled, tired and stressed. He was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn't even look up to meet your gaze at first and only saw you when you stood directly next to him. He looked so relived t see that you were there to take over, you decide to engage in a bit of small talk.

"Was it that bad?" you asked. He stood up and pushed the chair in trying his hardest to put a polite smile on his face but was clearly too exhausted to extend his full courtesy.

"Still is. The General has had a lot of reports and paperwork coming in and going out so I've been running papers back and forth from his office and here and any other place that things have to go. And that's on top of everything else." You looked at him with concern, not really for yourself and what all you have to do today but for him and how he looked.

"General Hux?"


"Well, I'll get right into it then and you go get yourself some rest." You patted him on the shoulder and he smiled a defeated smile.

"I just feel kinda bad for throwing you into this mess," he said as you sat down, settling yourself in for what you could only imagine to be a very long day. You smiled at him sweetly with your (Y/E/C) eyes.

"Don't be sweetheart. I'll persevere, I made coffee this morning so I'm good to go." He laughed a little at that he seemed like a genuinely nice guy and was kinda cute with his brown eyes and light brown hair.

"Well, good luck," he said.

"Thanks," you said in return as he made his way down the hallway. You never did catch his name.

You turned to look at the screen with a bit of a nervous feeling in your chest. True to what's-his-names word there was plenty of things to be printed, sent, received, forwarded and replied to. About seventy percent of it pertaining to General Hux in some way shape or form. You decided to get the things that didn't pertain to the General Hux out of the way first which was very little so you could focus on getting everything to him in a very organized and efficient manner.

After about two hours of rummaging through your inbox the messages just kept coming but you had a few different stacks sorted by overall subject matter. You clipped them together and began to make your way toward the exit when you realized you had no idea where General Hux's office was! Shit you thought, maybe Saga knows. You hurried over to her desk were she was ending a transmission on her headset. "Hey what's up (Y/N)?"

"I have to take a bunch of forms to General Hux and I have no clue where his office. Please tell be you know where it is!" you begged.

"Yeah, but you'll have to take the stairs because I just got word that electronics are messed up in the once you get to the end of the hall take the set of stairs on the right...go up three flights and his office should be the last door on the right of a longish hallway."

"Okay...I think I got it," you said trying to convince yourself that you were competent enough to find an office. "Thanks."

As you made your way down the hallway you could see the maintenance crew working on the elevator, they had the circuit boards yanked out of the walls trying their hardest to get in, find the source of the problem and get out quickly and efficiently. You just hoped it would be back up and running soon if you were going to be making numerous trips up and down the steps. You hurried past the swarm of electricians to the stairs and made your way up the steps. By the time you got to the top you were a little out of breath and took a second to catch your breath and smooth your hair. Your mind wandered back to Saga's directions, there was the longish hallway and his office should be the last door on the right. Key phrase 'should', you just hoped you weren't about to step through the wrong threshold. You took a breath and knocked on the door.

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