Chapter 5

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You turned around and looked at the sudden abundance of empty space as you walked toward the back of the elevator. Once there you leaned against the back wall but felt the heal of your boot kick against something. You looked down at the floor and saw a small metallic object butting right up against the wall. You picked it up and saw that it had two initials on it A.H. Right away you knew what it was and who is belonged to, it was General Hux's cigarette lighter. At this point you didn't feel like riding all the way up to the top of the base just to give him his lighter back so you decided that you would hold onto it until you saw the General again. You admired it for awhile and then slipped it into your pocket when you saw the elevator doors open at your floor. You stepped into the hallway and saw that there were some rowdy people passing by with their celebrations of the weekend but you kept on your course and found your way to your room. You unlocked the door and stepped in to find Saga sitting on her bead eating a fried crispic while scrolling through her holopad. "Thank the Maker you're finally back!"

"Yes I am," you said as you flopped onto your bed.

"So I heard that there was another problem with the elevator and that's what you were stuck in?"


"Was it just you in there or were you stuffed in there with a bunch of other people?"

"It was just me and General Hux of all people."

"Oh I bet that was unpleasant."

"No not really, why do you say that?"

"Well whenever I've had to take stuff to him or walked past him he always seems to be in a sour mood."

"It's understandable really, the poor man is so busy all the time. When I was with him this evening he looked so tired."

"Gotcha. By the way I picked you up a crispic," she said as she handed you a to-go box.

"Oh my goodness than you, thank you, thank you Saga you're the best!" You stood up and gave her a hug and then proceeded to demolish the meat filled pastry.

"No problem, I knew you hadn't eaten since lunch so figured you'd need something by the time you got back."

"You couldn't have been more right. I'm probably gonna jump in the shower here directly and go to bed soon but don't feel compelled to go to bed if you don't want to I'll probably have no trouble falling asleep tonight."

"Okay," she said as she went back to a game of Dejarik on her holopad.

You took the lighter out of your pocket and set it on your bureau. You also took the spice bush leaves and berries from Soren's letter and placed them into a dish that also sat on the bureau where you kept all of the little things he sent you. You then placed his letter into a folder that you kept your letters in.

"Did you get a letter from Soren?"

"Yeah I did," you said as you opened up your closet door to use it as a dressing screen.

"What did he say?"

"Not too much, but he did say that his house is almost done accept for the pluming or something like that."

"Nice. I'd like to meet him someday. From the way you talk him up he seems like a pretty chill guy."

"Yeah he is," you slipped your robe on and placed your dirty clothes into the hamper you kept under your bed. Then you grabbed your night shirt and headed to the shower.

The nozzles used to control the water temperature where very sensitive especially the one for the hot water, if you literally move it one millimeter to the left too far then you'd get scalded. Once you stepped into the shower you began to wet your hair, while doing that for some reason the General popped into your mind and you wondered what he was doing right now. Was he in the shower too or was he a morning shower person over an evening shower person? Good grief that's a little inappropriate (Y/N)! Not that you hadn't fantasized about good looking men stepping out of a hot steamy shower before, you were a woman after all but this is General Hux, the commander of the First Order's navy! You shouldn't think of him of all people in the galaxy inappropriately. Then again who else would have to know about your thoughts? It wan't like General Hux would be able to read your mind and tell what you're thinking, he wouldn't have to have a clue and neither would anyone else for that matter. Your thoughts were safe in the privacy of your imagination.

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