Chapter 3

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You took a breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in," the voice was a little muffled through the door and you jump from hearing a response, you didn't fully expect it for some reason, maybe it was nerves. You opened the door and walked in cautiously holding the documents tucked in the crook of your arm and against your chest. You peeked in and saw a tall man with red hair hunched over his desk.

"General Hux?"

"Yes, what do want?" he said with a hint of impatience in his voice. He looked up to meet your gaze but you quickly lowered yours out of self consciousness and subordination to your ranking officer.

"U-uh...I uh...have some papers for you," you walked to the front of his desk. "These are the stats on the new storm trooper recruits...these are the weekly security reports of the base, this includes any possible security breaches we've had within the past month and what we believe could be any potential weak spots in the security systems. The last stack here is a bit of an assortment including reports from the captains of the main ships, plans for next month's ceremony of the First Order's 30th Jubilee and an inquiry from Captin Levi about replacing one of the port side canons on his ship," you said as you handed him the different stacks of paper. He took them from you and gave them a quick glace, then set them down onto different spots on his desk and looked back at you.

"Is that all?"

"For the time being sir, these were the most urgent as of this morning but there will undoubtedly be more to come today," you said as you waited for a response...silence, he just looked at you until you decided to break the silence. "Shall I be on my way then sir?"

"Yes," he said as his attention shifted back to his work. You nodded slightly as he did so you made your way towards the door. When you opened the door there was a figure dressed in all black with a mask completely covering his face. Kylo Ren. You'd seen him before on the base along with the damage he could cause when his legendary temper boiled over. You quickly moved to the side to let him pass before you, keeping your head down in respect. As he walked by you could feel a sort of negative vibe coming off of him, it wasn't exactly threatening but it made you feel like he was unnaturally aware of everything immediately around him, as if he could look into your soul and see every one of your darkest secrets. This caused you to feel very uncomfortable and vulnerable, as soon as he was out of the clear you exited General Hux's office as fast as you could.

Once you were out in the hallway the feeling that was present in the General's office had dissipated. The relief that you felt caused you to become a little lightheaded and you had to stop your hurried pace for a moment. Once you stopped your mind wondered to General Hux. Being in his office gave you an opportunity you'd never had before to be so close to him, you actually had to admire what you saw as far as his physical characteristics went. It was odd because you typically didn't go for guys with red hair but you couldn't help but admire how radiant of a shade it was so a flame.

Stop it (Y/N)! you said to yourself. It was entirely inappropriate to ogle your ranking officer like some hormone filled 14 year-old! You're a soldier for God sake! You snapped out of your little trance when you heard someone call your name from behind you.

"(Y/N)!" It was Toby, he worked in the mail room and he came to know you by name since you were one of the few people that actually had any mail to send or receive.

"Hi Toby. How are you doing?"

"Oh I'm good, I just wanted to flag you down because I got a letter for you from your brother." Your heart jumped in excitement a bit and your smile widened even more.

"Thank you so much Toby! You just made my day," you said as he handed over your letter.

"So are you headed down stairs too?"

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