Chapter 7

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A/N: I've decided to write this chapter in first person point of view to give a different feel to the story and to make the reader seem more mature instead of explaining her actions in second person because I think it feels a little juvenile and high schoolish that way. But let me know what you think of this new perspective and if you like it better.

I was ecstatic! One of the most esteemed generals of the First Order wants me of all people to be his assistant! What an opportunity! I would be a complete and utter idiot to not take up this offer. 

As I made my way down the hall my mind was buzzing at the sudden job offer, of course this was a lot to take in the span of a single morning. Despite that though I don't know how I could possibly decline the position. 

Once I made my way back to my apartment Saga was out of bed but still in her nightwear playing a game on her holopad, she looked up. "Well you look awful chipper? What's up?"

"Well," I said with a grin, "You know how I was  working a lot with the General yesterday?"


"Well apparently he really liked my organizational skills..."

"And?" she said waving me on to continue. 

"And, he offered me a job as his personal assistant!"

"WHAT?!? NO!!!" She said in disbelief.

"That's what I thought too! I mean, did I really make that good of an impression or what?"

"Well surely you must have done something right for him to hand you a job like that !"

Saga still had a shocked look on her face and I kept nodding as if to say yeah I know it's crazy.

"So are you going to accept the job?"

"Yeah! Of course I am."

"When do you start then?"

"Probably next week if I get an answer back to him within the next day or so."

After the initial exchange Saga went on to say how lucky I was and how she hoped that this turns out to be a good place for me. The day quickly passed into the afternoon and then into the evening and during that time I had sent a message to General Hux saying that I accepted is offer. Not  long after he replied and said what day and time I was to start. Saga and I continued to enjoy the evening well into the night. Even when we decided to go to bed I could hardly contain my excitement and kept smiling until I finally drifted to sleep.


AN: Basically it's Star Wars Universe Monday, it's on the Wookieepedia page what the 5 days of the week are. Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday and Benduday.

I woke up a little earlier than usual to make sure that I had plenty of time to get around and look the best that I possibly could. I made sure that my uniform had been pressed and cleaned and tried to make my hair look neater than usual.

I made my way to General Hux's office and once I arrive it looked like he had only been there a short time himself. "You're early," he said.

"I always like to be a bit early."

"Good, you can get a head start on the day then."

"Just tell me what needs done first." He showed me to a desk that sat on the right side of the room with holographic monitor screens and one of the better than average chairs on the base, always a plus.

He tapped the screen and pointed to various contacts and information, giving a brief rundown of what he expected and what was most important. "...I think you get the idea of what I expect from you Private."

"Yes sir. I'll get right into it." I made sure to give him an assuring and professional smile to at least give off the impression that I was capable. I really wasn't too concerned with my abilities, I was more or less nervous about screwing something up. General Hux walked back to his desk and got busy, while I turned to my own work and began to riffle through it.

The first few hours passed by quickly and there wasn't much exchange between me the General and I though I did find myself looking in his direction more than once, there wasn't so much as a glance upward from him. Wish I had that kind of focus. It was getting on midday  and I was getting a little hungry but I wasn't sure if I should just get up and go or ask permission to take a lunch break or what. Guess I should just ask. "Sir if you'll not be needing me for the next few minutes I'd like to take break if I could."

"Go, on then," he said with a quiet glance upward. It was hard to gauge what his mood was at the moment so I decided it would be best if I got my lunch to go as not to dally too long. While I was heading toward the cafeteria a thought hit me, should I get the General anything? I am his assistant after all and it would only make sense if I got him something, is that something secretaries and assistants do? Better safe than sorry I guess. I grabbed a couple of sandwiches and some fruit and started back to the office.

"You certainly wasted no time," he said upon my return. 

"Yes," I paused for a moment. "I uh brought you something, I wasn't sure if your were hungry or not so..." I said while placing the food on his desk, he said nothing. "And if your're not hungry then that's fine too, I just thought I'd offer," I said as I sat down. A couple of moments went by.

"Thank you." The break in silence caught me off guard and I looked over at the General, said nothing and smiled politely.

The rest of the day continued without much excitement or conversation. The quiet and privacy of General Hux's office was a pleasant change of pace to the chaotic bridge.

In a way it was too quite but I had a feeling that he preferred it that way. This environment made me feel like I wasn't supposed to breathe for fear of making a sound but eventually as we grew more comfortable with each other's presence the more small sounds we created broke the tension.


"You can go now (L/N)." I looked up.

"Thank you sir," I smiled politely but not too big of a smile as to not look like an idiot. "If you need anything else from me even if I'm off duty let me know."

"I certainly will."

"Goodnight General."

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