Chapter 4

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You both stood there like that for a second waiting to see if the elevator would shift again. Thankfully it didn't, it was still but at the same time not moving up or down which wasn't always the best sign either. Suddenly you both became aware of the fact that you were being held by the General. You both unraveled yourselves from one another and glanced around a bit awkwardly.

"I had thought they fixed the elevator."

"Apparently not," he said a little annoyed but rather calm to your surprise. 

After a few seconds of silence a voice came on over the intercom speaker, "This is Lieutenant Quin, Is everybody alright?" General Hux walked over to the speaker and pressed the button to speak to the woman on the other line.

"Yes we're alright."

"May I ask who I am speaking with?"

"This is General Armitage Hux of the First Order. What seems to be the issue?" So that's what his first name is...huh.

"Sir there is a maintenance crew being sent over now as we speak to investigate the problem. General may I ask who else is with you?" He looked over in your direction.

"What is your first name (L/N)?"

"(Y/N) sir."

"Lieutenant Quin..."

"Yes sir?"

"The only other person with me right now is Private (Y/N) (L/N)."

"Thank you sir. I'll ask that you both just hang in there for a while until we can get this problem sorted out. If either of you have any problems please let me know."  

General Hux turned away from the speaker looking very perturbed, "Fucking great,"  he said under his breath. He walked over to the back of the elevator and leaned against the wall eventually sliding down to were he was sitting on the floor. He then stared blankly at the opposite wall and then to you as if to say, Well aren't you going to sit down as well? You did and you allowed your legs to be fully extended while also crossing your ankles. The way how you both were seated was to where you were sitting opposite to one another and able to look at the other very easily. Well now what? The General wriggled out of his overcoat and removed his gloves to get a little more comfortable or at least as comfortable as you could get in an elevator that is. Then you remembered your brother's letter inside your jacket pocket, you undid a couple of the buttons so that it gaped open a bit which was fine since it was getting a little hot in the elevator and you pulled the letter out of your inside pocket.

"What's that?" he asked.

"It's a letter from my twin brother," You said with a little smile.

"What does he say?" he asked as he pulled out a silver cigarette case.

"I don't know, I haven't read it yet. I've been waiting to read it until I got off work, but it looks like I have a chance to do that now," you said with a smirk. He mirrored your little half smile and proceeded to light his cigarette. He then took a long drag of smoke and slowly exhaled closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the wall looking a lot more relaxed. This made you feel relaxed in turn to see him looking less stressed but the smoke wasn't that pleasant to inhale though but you weren't about to say anything. He opened his eyes and caught you starring again and you turned your head away and looked back at the letter in your hands and proceeded to open the envelope.

"Why do you do that (L/N)?"

"Do what sir?"

"You always look away from me when I make eye contact with you? Am I that unpleasant of a sight to look at?"

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