Expensive Mistakes

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Song fic again ( do I do to many of these)
Song: Wilson ( Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy
I'm gonna do this one a tiny bit differently by adding some of the lyrics into the story and dialogue on top of what I normally do. Only things in italics are lyrics, even if their are other non italicized words mixed in and "" means somerhi g is being written down.

This takes place before season 5 ( Keith is still a paladin.
( I'm only gonna do warnings for character death now unless asked otherwise, if u need more warning then please ask.)
Lance's POV

We were all in the control room, some new I formation had just come to light and we were discussing how it could help us, and by us I mean every one except for me. I couldn't get a word in and every time I tried I was shut down, told that "we" needed usefull information and that it wasn't a time for jokes, this was serious. If they would just listen. The Glaras main command ship had a sort of "self destruct button" kinda like the death star, all we had to do was pilot a drone ship into a certain spot after sneaking prisoners off and the entire thing would blow up.

"Guys I really think we..." I tried, only to be cut off once more.

"Not now Lance, this is serious, we don't have time for silly things and jokes" Shiro said not even looking at me.

"But I have an..."

"Not now Lance, we have to prepare and plan"

"I can help, I have a plan" I tried again.

"WHAT!" Shiro shouted angrily as he glared at me, the others looking at me, disappointment and annoyance clear in their faces.

"I was, I was." I stuttered.

I was
Gonna say something that would solve all our problems
But then I got drunk and I forgot what I was talking about

I forgot my plan, my plan to save us all, to end the war now. My fear was making me act as good as drunk, my brain just as messed up. They all started at me, waiting, the annoyances with me growing as I stood failing under their harsh gaze.

"I forgot what I was talking about" I murmured under my breath, looking down at my shoes on the cold metal floor. They glared angrily before returning to their planing, pretending that they didn't know I could see the hateful glances they would grow my way.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, I was treated like dirt by the people I used to trust, the people I thought would stick with me no matter what. My eyes stung badly as I tried to blink the tears away but I only managed to make more flow down my face, god I hope no one noticed.

"Lance pay attention" I heard Shiros stern voice say. His words seemed to be laced with more hate then they used too, he used to help and care but the lack of his old friendliness in his voice made me brake. I bolted out of the room, trying my hardest to wipe my eyes and to see through the tears that filled them, I could hear the shouts of my team mates but I didn't want to look back, what ever they had to say would hurt to much. I finally reached my room, locking the door and running to my bedside table. I shuffled through my stuff until I found a piece of paper and a pen.

""There's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody
People who don't know me seem to love me, why is it that people hate me once they get closer.
There's nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you
Everybody you love and trust, everybody you thought would help
Than to be loved by everybody but you, but you
your family, your friends, your crush, your self. ""

I wrote quickly, my mind spinning.

If I can get my shit together
I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again
Never see any of you again

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