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So I havnt posted in 3 days. Woe. I have been commenting on wattpad and studying because the GMAS starts tommarow or the day after that and every time I think of it I get really nervous and start to forget what I learned. And I'm scared.

Yesterday I got my hair flat ironed and it's going back in braids because the straight hair feels like frekin paper.

I hope I pass GMAS so I can say by to my teachers and be like : I NEVER LIKED NONE OF YOU! YOU ALL CAN GO SUCK IT. Then I would say I'm sorry because I would've never been able to live with myself if I did that

I am going to study harder than I ever did today and IMA be like : *Heavy panting* TODAY IS THE DAY AM I THE TYPE OF GIRL WHO MEANS WHAT I SAY BET ON IT BET ON IT, BET ON IT BET ON IT. *turns in GMAS with a 933883 score when highest is 100* LOOKIE HERE BEBS I PASSED

but this is the actual scenario

*hides in hoodie while taking test and gets a 81* or however you grade them

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