she used to come there every day just to see him(k) for at least once...but...
he didn't come there...
she didn't lose hope..
kept waiting..
(to know more about this story please read in details)
days were passing by,but there was no improvement in their relation... both of them had an attraction for each other, but wasn't able to figure out anything... so,destiny decided to spice up their love story...
a study tour was arranged for inter 1st year(11) and second year(12) students... for this tour,special arrangements were made.pairs were made between 11&12 th students... this study tour was of 14 days... near sea beach... everything was quit and calm there...
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it uesed to look like,stars have came to earth when the night covers the island with it's beauty...
naina came to the hall room and found karan there.. but he was not looking at her.. Naina was fed up of this behaviour of his!! so,she was going toward him,when the principal started the announcement of study tour!.. at a point the principal declared that,their(11th students) partners will be their senior(12th students)...
there was a smile on her(N) face... karan didn't show his excitement but he was also hopeful to be paired with naina...
then the juniors had to take a peper out of jar which contains the name of their partners...
naina took out a paper and looked at karan opening that... after looking at the name of the chit...naina was just shocked!!!. she was paired with someone else! karan was confused with her reaction.. he decided to ask her,before he could... someone pat his shoulder from back!!... a girl(11th student) asked are you karan khurana!? karan said,yes...but why!? she said that I'm your partner 😊...
karan was sad too...but somehow smiled at the girl...
then a boy came to naina too....and said,r u my partner!? naina nodded quietly..
(the boy who was naina's partner,was good looking..&. good student).
the day of study tour came... they started from their college at 6:00 a.m. three bus was hired.. in each bus there were 2 teachers, in the first 2 sits...and the paired students were sited together... naina & karan were in the same bus... but they were sitting in the same row(but with their respective partners) naina was in the window set...
in the way to study tour,students started to play "Antakshri" game...and naina's turn came...but didn't wanted to sing... as she was jealous seeing the girl sitting so close to her karan. then the boy(Ram) requested naian, "don't be a spoil sport yaar!!....sing a song please ".. naina,couldn't refuse and sang a song...
"yaara tu mujh mein youn basa mujh mein rahi na meri jagah fila ha tu neri ruh tak tujh main hi mein jine lagaa