Changing Naina

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Din see raat hogayaa
lakin Naina waha hee bathii rahii....

karan was restless at campus. He was looking for naina with eyes.
He was tensed if he made mistake by leaving her in the forest...!!!

Suddenly one of Naina's friend called out her name...
karan didn't look at her...

when naina's friend asked her where she had gone, naian replied that She had lost her way but someone made her realized by pointing finger (she said this looking in karan'a direction.

Both of them were silence... they were looking into each others eye...
but this time naina broke the eye lock and walk out feim that place...

It was night...
Naina wasn't feeling sleepy... so,she went to sea side...
suddenly someone kept his hand on her shoulder...

Naina : stay away from me!(without even
looking who was it)
The boy(Ram) :ok,ok...I'll stay away...but
will you tell me what are you doing so late of night here!!!

being surprised naina said,"you! "
Ram: you expecting
Naina:No,I don't have hope for....

naina didn't complete her sentence when ram said,
"leave the way the scenes are actually beautiful right now"
Naina:"yes,it is.."( she said this with tears in eyes and smile in face)

Ram: strange!! your eyes are wet but smile in face! are you all right naina?!

Naina: I wasn't in my sense but now is.

Ram made her sit on sands and said," look, I don't know what happened with you but all I can say is Life is about going forward ... so,don't look behind... and start a fresh life"

Naina:yes, I'll.. thank you ram for your support...

Ram : hey,aren't I your friend!?

Naina:yes,you are...but why are you saying this!?

Ram: then ask me anytime if you need any lets go inside.. it's very cold right here...

Naina: ok,lets go.

karan was there all the time watching her out from far away...his hand was bleeding (because of thorns from the plant infront of him...he hurt himself as he was well aware that he have hurt naina way too much this time)

karan keept looking them going...
one drop of tear fall from his eyes...

Naina -- I'll not think about him anymore..
I'm not any object that he can keep or throw away anytime he feels like! From tomorrow I'll start a new life.A life where will be no place for him(k).

the night passed by...

the first ray of sun fall on naina's face
she smiled and woke up,
she went to take shower
but there was a long line...
so,she was going to beach for shower...

Ram: hey naina...where are you going!? won't you take shower!? stand in the line otherwise you won't get chance..
Naina: oye! line mee kharee rahogee too
kharahii rakhnaa paree
gaa....meree sath aww....(naina held
his hand and was taking him to the
beach...) and said to everyone, come
if you don't want to keep waiting ;p

Everyone was playing in the water and having fun when karan was just looking the closeness of Ram and naina...

(I have added Ram's pic in the chapter "introduction "...please check that (paras))

soon the trip came to an end with passing  time...
days were passing  into weeks and months..

with every passing  time naina and karan were going  away from each other...

I have started a new story," kasoti zindagi key 2".... please read if you like... :-D

Hi everyone... I need a help... can someone  explain  me what exactly  blog is!?  and how to write or create  a blog(personal blog)...I want to write  a personal blog but a little  confused  about it...I mean  set up doing what,can that blog/site be mostly  visible  on Google!?
... And which topis can help  in making  money also!?
I searched  in Google  but there are way too many options/heavy words/systems  for me to handle... I asked here thinking if any of you have any personal  experience then  please  let me know (by comments/inbox)   
                                 ---- Thank You

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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