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Halfway to the hospital, Betty veered into a sharp u-turn.

"What are you doing?!" I barked.

"We can't take her to Riverdale General," Betty said firmly.

Toni chimed in from the back seat, "Oh my gosh she's right! Penelope will find out."

"Where will we go then?"


"Greendale!" I exclaimed, "We don't have money for a motel!"

"Don't worry, Jug knows someone down there we can stay with," Betty soothed. Realizing that Toni was in the car too, she flinched.

I could tell that she was expecting her to flip, but instead she reminded, "Betty, don't feel bad. I'm with Cheryl now, and I'm happier than ever."

She shied away. "I know, but I don't want you to think I'm the bad guy. I want to be friends, best friends... if that's possible?"

"Of course it is. You helped me save Cheryl and I'm eternally grateful."

Betty gave a warm smile. I watched us drift by a huge billboard sign with Welcome to Greendale: The most magical place on earth! It was strange to finally see the neighboring town. I had heard much about it, but it was mostly whispers of drug rings and cults. I was in shock of how normal it was.

The streets were clean for the most part, except for the occasional crumpled flyer for Geraldine's Music Lessons: Males Ages 13 to 17 Accepted and stray leaves, glowing the bright ember of an autumn day even though it was nowhere near the season. It felt oddly cozy; every cafe was one you could hang around while sipping tea, every quaint shop was antique, every school like one out of a teen romance novel. Greendale was sickeningly pleasant.

Maybe one day my best friend can find happiness here, away from her snake of a mother.


Just as I soaked in the sights of the town, Cheryl groaned.

"She's waking up," I warned.

Veronica reached back from the passenger seat and thumbed her forehead.

"Shhhh," she cooed, "We're almost there."

Betty finally got us there, and I lugged Cheryl out of the car. I slung one of her arms around my neck. The other was hooked around Betty while Veronica yelled down the halls for help. A few nurses poked their heads out at us. Their eyes widened as they beelined for us. One quickly got a cart that they loaded Cheryl onto.

I grasped her hand as they rushed her away.

I'll see you soon.


Once I knew that a doctor was seeing to Cheryl, I pried her stony girlfriend out of the lobby. At first, Toni protested, but she eventually knew that she wasn't helping her by refusing to leave. I finally convinced her and Veronica to get some rest at the place we would be staying. We all loaded into the car. It wasn't long before we pulled up to the house.

It was quaint and looked like a cottage that the witch from Hansel and Gretel would have had (minus the delicious candy). Despite not being sprinkled with Jolly Ranchers and Skittles, it was just as inviting.

I gulped as I knocked on the door. After all, I had never met them. I only knew our temporary housemates through Jughead, and I wasn't sure what to expect.

I tighted my ponytail and brushed the remaining dirt from the bunker off of me. I rubbed a crusted dribble of blood from my cheekbone. Hey, a girl's gotta look presentable.

A boy around our age opened the door, yawning. He had a matted brown mop of hair that he scratched unconciously in his exhaustiveness. He had a Baxter High t-shirt and a pair of burgundy boxers on.

He suddenly realized that he was only half-dressed with strangers at the door. He blushed bright red and looked around behind him, calling for someone.



Short chappie for now! I just couldn't wait to do a crossover!!! Also let me know your thoughts on the musical episode!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!!! WHEN I SAW IT I CRIED!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH I WISH I COULD GIVE YOU A HUG!!!!!

Questions of the day: 

Should Cheryl have a long recovery or get right back into the story?

Who do you want as a future villain: Penelope, Nick, or Josie?

Are you excited for The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?

As always, message me if you have any suggestions or ideas for storylines, future villains, or characters and ships you'd like to make an appearance!


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