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TALL BOY'S POV (Flashback)

I sat in a large leather chair. An eerie portrait of a beautiful girl with raven hair hung above the hearth. The embers of the fire floated around. The room was bathed in an orange tone.

"Alright, Boss," I said gruffly, "I did what you wanted. I got rid of the drive in. What more do you want?"

"I know that you were fired by Andrews Construction. I also know how much you Serpents love revenge."

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

I scoffed, "Are you asking me to kill Fred Andrews?"

"Notice how I didn't say that, but you're picturing it, and we're talking about it."

I scratched my scraggly beard, contemplating it.

"But what's in it for you?" I said skeptically.

Hiram Lodge chuckled, "There will be a time when Mr. Andrews may get in the way. But that's none of your concern." He straightened up, casting an intimidating shadow. "Just do your damn job and get out of my sight."


I awoke to the phone screeching at me. How long I'd slept, I couldn't tell. Toni's arms were wrapped around me, and I longed to stay there. I begrudgingly heaved myself up and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I said groggily, my voice weighted with sleep.

Betty's voice cried sharply, "Cheryl we need you to get down here right now!"

"What? Where are you?"

"Veronica shot him. Please just get to Keller's office now!"

"Alright, we're on our way," I affirmed.

I looked down to Toni lovingly and squeezed her. She jolted awake in annoyance.

"Wha- what's happening..."

I kissed her forehead. "They got him. They got him, they got him, they got him..."

She smiled at me as I buried my face in her collarbone, tears streaming down my cheeks. It was over, finally over. After all we'd been through, it was finally over.

We practically leaped into our clothes and sped to the station. There was Betty, cradling a sniffling Veronica. Across the room, Sabrina was curled up, asleep, in Harvey's lap while an older woman that I could only assume was her aunt demanded that she be allowed to go home.

"How dare you hold her here!" the woman screamed. "She's done nothing wrong!"

The secretary was apologizing profusely, trying to calm her down, "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we need to conduct some questioning. Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to sit down or go home."

That really set her off. "Are you INSANE? There's NO WAY I'm leaving my teenaged niece alone at the police station in a strange town we've never been to!"

"Miss Zelda, why don't you come sit with her," Harvey called across the room.

Zelda's blockade of anger melted away as she rushed to Sabrina, stroking her hair. Once that whole scene was over, I felt it suitable to approach Betty.

"Cousin Betty! What happened, tell me everything!"

Betty opened her mouth to speak, but Veronica leaned back up. She sniffled and composed herself.

In an eerie voice, she recounted the tale, ending with, "He grabbed Sabrina. I don't know what came over me, I wish I did, but I just... snapped. I snatched the gun. And I shot him. I watched the life drain out of him, and it was my fault." She started to cry.

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