Jimin ♡ Sunsets & Seashells | Merman AU

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Published: September 10, 2018
Rewritten: October 18, 2023

Word count: 6,889

Originally, this imagine was split into 5 parts? Not sure why but I've condensed it into 2. They're well over 6,000 words each so buckle up 🤩

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

Seagulls flew by your window, flapping their wings a few times as the strong breeze from the sea blew them back

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Seagulls flew by your window, flapping their wings a few times as the strong breeze from the sea blew them back. You had rolled out of bed not long ago and slipped on your sandals, making your way down to the beach.
You lived by yourself in a charming little house nestled right on the beach; it's secluded and far enough away from the other houses lining the shore that you had some privacy, which was very nice.
You've made it a habit to come outside and visit the beach at least once a day to collect seashells or go swimming. Today you decided to swim and look for shells underwater, that's usually where you found the best ones anyway. There's a little pouch you use to hold any shells you find while exploring which you kept tied around your waist with twine so you didn't lose it.

Sliding on your goggles, you dove into the waves, taking a few moments to relish in the feeling of the gentle current passing you before proceeding, moving ahead until you knew your feet wouldn't touch the sand below. You didn't like to swim out too far, only going just past the sand bar, no further. The last thing you needed was to get pulled out into deep waters.
Moving along the sandy bottom, you dug around in the granules in search of sand dollars and large shells. Usually by the time the waves wash the seashells to the shoreline they're broken in pieces, which is why you liked to dive for them every once in a while.
You managed to find a couple small sand dollars, dropping them into your tiny pouch for safe keeping. Along the way, you collected a few cute and tiny twisty shells, putting them into your bag as well.

As you moved through the warm waters collecting your little gifts from the sea, you just happened to look up, spotting a dark object floating in the depths. Whatever was out there was so far away you couldn't make out what it was. You squinted your eyes in an attempt to try and see better, but that didn't help much at all. It didn't look like it was moving, but there was no way you could ignore it. Immediately assuming it was a shark, you turned around and started heading back to the shore, not wanting to risk your life, even if the fish was nowhere near you.

Once back in shallow waters, you started making your way back onto the beach, your feet sinking into the tightly-packed sand as you trudged across it. Turning back to the vast ocean, you fixed your gaze in the general vicinity of where you thought you saw the shark just moments ago, spotting something sticking out of the waves. From what you could see, it looked like a person.
That's strange. You didn't see them when you were swimming around out there. Actually, you didn't see anyone else on the beach or in the water, so how did they get out there so quickly?

"Hey!" You shouted, waving your arms to try and get the person's attention. "I think there's a shark over there!"
They only stared at you, not saying anything.
"I think there's a shark!" You raised your voice a little more.
You watched in bewilderment as they sunk down into the water, making no attempts to come back to the shore.
Surely they're not trying to get a look at the shark... right? You though.
There was no way you could just stand by and watch this person risk their life for a chance to swim with a shark, especially without professionals and proper diving gear.
Without thinking, you dashed back into the water and ducked under the waves, swimming with all your might. With frantic eyes, you peered in the distance while underwater, but you didn't see the person nor did you see the shark.
That's odd.
If you hadn't continued staring, you would've missed the small dot swimming in the distance. You furrowed your brows and went back to shore, trying to piece together what just happened. Either what you saw was a shark or it was that person... but how did they get so far out so quickly?
Shaking away your puzzled thoughts, you headed back to the house, deciding not to continue searching for shells. You needed to shower and get this sticky saltwater residue off, plus maybe a nice hot shower would help clear your head.

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