Odin, What Happened?

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As soon as I reached Odin's house, I saw Keith parked in front along with Odin's car in the drive way. I parked in front of Keith's truck and greeted him.

"Keith, you're here."

"Yup, just like I said I'd be."

"Alright, well do you have a weapon?"

"Yeah, I picked up a knife on the way here."

"Good." I lifted part of my shirt to reveal my pistol. "I'm armed and ready."

"Where'd you get that?"

"Don't worry about it, let's check on Odin."

I slowly approached the front door while Keith followed. I checked the door to see if it was unlocked.

Indeed it was. Keith and I slowly entered, doing our best not to make too much noise. I slowly walked towards Odin's room. As I was about to turn in however, I got tackled to the floor.

"Agh! Fuck!"

"Danny," Keith shouted


The person who tackled me immediately loosened their grip on my arms, giving me a chance to get up.

I wiped the dirt and dust off of my shirt and saw Odin.


"Danny! Shit man, I'm sorry. How'd you get in here?"

"Your front door was unlocked."

"Really? Damn, well give me a heads up next time."

"I guess."

"Hey Odin, how come you responded super late to my text?"

Odin took his phone out of his pocket. "You texted me? I didn't receive anything."

"Are you sure? 'Cause you texted me back earlier today, even though I messaged you like three days ago."

"I mean, I don't see anything here from you."

I looked at Keith. "Try texting him again."

Keith started typing on his phone. Once he finished, Odin's phone pinged soon after.

"Oh well, I got this one. But I don't see any other ones."

"But you sent me this." Keith showed Odin the message that he received from him.

"What the... I never sent that."

"You didn't?"

"No, of course not. That's a really weird message though."

"Right? I wonder what happened."

As they continued to converse, I started thinking about the possibilities. What exactly could've happened? Odin's phone must've been hacked or something... since he didn't receive Keith's messages. What's really weird though is the text that Keith received. If it didn't come from Odin, then where did it come from? It seemed pretty harmless... but it was also pretty odd. Part of me just wanted to brush it off as nothing, but another part of me wanted to figure out how it happened. Then there was another part of me that expected to find nothing if I did try to figure it out.

Ah screw it. I'll just forget about it unless something like that happens again.

"What exactly could it mean though," Keith asked.

I looked at both of them. "It's nothing. Probably just someone messing around with the cell towers or something. But if Odin's able to receive your messages already, then you don't need to worry about it."

Keith looked at his phone. "Huh, I guess you're right. I mean, you are the tech guy."

Odin clapped his hands together. "Well Thanks for coming by guys, but my parents will be home in a bit and I don't think they'll like that you guys came here without me asking first. But let's definitely hang out soon."

"Sure, alright," I said.

Keith gave Odin a fist bump before before we headed out the door. Before Keith got into his truck, he told me something.

"You know, I'm still pretty curious about what the message meant."

"It's nothing. Probably just someone trying to scare us. Don't overthink it..." I chuckled. "That's my job. But let me know if something similar happens later on."

"Alright, I will. Well I'll see you later, Danny."

"See ya."

I started my drive back home. Something was odd though. I felt like this would've been a more memorable experience if some things went differently. I wasn't sure why I felt that way, or what exactly I was talking about, but it just felt like it was an important thing to think about.

Alright, enough with the odd thoughts. I had to get back home.

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